Page 4 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 4
1. Self-examination
2. The privilege of prayer
3. Why do we have to pray?
3.1 The Necessity questioned
3.2 The Necessity acknowledged
4. Prayer in the life of Jesus
4.1 The place of prayer in Jesus’ life
4.2 The character of Jesus’ prayers
4.3 Jesus did not only pray alone
4.4 Prayer of the exalted Jesus (His Intercession)
5. The Holy Spirit and our prayers
5.1 Romans 8:26 – The Holy Spirit intercedes
5.2 The groanings of the Holy Spirit – its necessity
5.3 The groanings of the Holy Spirit – its character
5.4 The groanings of the Holy Spirit – its
5.5 Two Intercessors
6. The place of prayer in the first congregations
7. Prayer in the life of the believer
7.1 Requirements for a true Christian prayer
7.2 The Holy Spirit and our prayer life – Praying in
the Spirit
7.3 The content of our prayer – the focus on the
prayer himself.
7.4 The content of our prayer – the focus on
supplication for other people
7.5 The content of our prayer – the focus on God
and His work