Page 4 - Mitre House Litigation
P. 4

spent or saved, addi:onal works required etc etc are available to you to peruse at your leisure; and again on 3rd January 2015 we wrote in an email to all lessees...”Full Works Budget & Costs will be advised to Lessees once the YE2014 Annual Accounts are prepared by latest 15th March 2015 and yet again as raised in your 23 March 2016 le<er with my comment/reply: (you wrote) In your e-mail to Mrs Hillgarth dated 23 March 2015, in response to her numerous requests to see certain invoices rela:ng to the water tank, the Sky TV aerial, the window repairs etc, you said: “Those invoices you are now reques=ng.....will be available to view once the annual accounts are finalised.” They weren’t.
(my comment/reply) Oh yes they were but I don’t recall a request to view within six months of the accounts or indeed subsequently.... Why am I blamed in such cavalier fashion?
(comment/reply) Anyway that is now all academic as Mrs Hillgarth has herself admi<ed in her own Witness Statement (para 73) dated 10 August 2016 that neither she nor any other lessee (and you had accused us of ignoring Leigh Pemberton since May 15 and Diego Fortuna: etc) had requested informa:on from our YE 2014 Accounts within the statutory 6 month period and when you requested them on 23 March 2016 and we offered to comply you couldn’t get out bed to receive them.
So just why would we produce an invoice so comprehensive and detailed (or even as you are bizarrely inferring should be minimal) if we were intending that no lessee would request sight of following our insistence they await accounts and then request etc? We were expec+ng a queue at the basement office door (if it had one) for inspec+ons and copying. None, regre)ably was forthcoming and then you and Mrs Hillgarth couldn’t be bothered to accept our offer of 1 April 2016 - in short it appears nobody’s in the least bit interested in something so long ago, I propose, save for a vende)a against me by Mrs Hillgarth, ac+ng no different than “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”, as previously stated! (end comment/reply)
Be that as it may, we now have the informa:on required to enable my client to pursue her monetary claim through the County Court. I a<ach the Claim Form and Par:culars of Claim which will shortly be served on yourself and your co-directors. It will of course include a claim for my costs. Needless to say we would rather deal with this ma<er without recourse to the court or the necessity to pay the associated court fee of £637.38 (which will ul:mately be for your account). However if court ac:on is to be avoided I would need to have your wri<en proposal for payment within the next seven days.
(comment/reply) I’m sure you’d prefer without recourse to the courts once you listen to the a<ached audio clip “Houston, we have a problem!” And believe me you both have a problem given her ini+al vindic+ve accusa+ons, all of which were denied and now confirmed as lies in Witness Statements and in the audio evidence and you for for constantly repea+ng accusa+ons having received hard copy evidence refu+ng them and not properly advising your client of the fragility of her case based on evidence supplied and obviously in existence.
Whether some or all of the other leaseholders will also wish to pursue claims for reimbursement I do not know. (Despite your’s and Mrs Hillgarth’s constant reference to a majority of lessees in sympathy with her it seems inconceivable she couldn’t find

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