Page 5 - Mitre House Litigation
P. 5

to a majority of lessees in sympathy with her it seems inconceivable she couldn’t find
others to join her fantasy class ac+on) However I am aware of the views of Mr Leigh Pemberton in this ma<er as he has recently wri<en to the Property Tribunal in the terms set out below this e-mail. I understand that a hard copy of this communica:on is in the post to the Tribunal.
(comment/reply) Well if you do decide on a Class ac:on, count in myself, Mr Karupiah and Jamil Raja of Dima Intl., as we’ll be quite happy to get back one ninth of £105,877 but the problem is from whom? Most likely from Mrs Hillgarth once she gets sued for libel and defama:on, if and when we retain Mischon de Reya. And I’ll make reference to the Legal Ombudsman for your part in this harassment given the evidence supplied since 23 March 2016 which you’ve patently simply ignored but her Witness Statement admi<ance and with this audio evidence it’s again, game, set and match.
In the hope that we might be able to resolve this par:cular ma<er without recourse to further li:ga:on, I look forward to hearing from you or (preferably) from one of your co-directors.
(comment/reply) My co-Director and ex-Director are content to have me face the outstanding charges of vote-rigging, blackmail, rudeness, indecent exposure etc but are content in the knowledge that firstly, by her own admission, no lessee was denied access to informa:on as we were accused of doing despite our denials, and that Mrs Hillgarth was in total agreement that any savings made be used to finance those workings she had requested of her contractor Wade to quote for and in her studied opinion “would make everybody happy” if we succeeded - which we did! And to avoid any misunderstanding, the audio contains mul:ple references to other points raised by you and answered by me in reams of correspondence - your reference to lessees nor Mrs Hillgarth not having been advised of a surveyor as a prime example. And you can add vote rigging, decor preferences, contrary opinions to other lessee preferences etc (end comment/reply)
A<ached: short audio clip from a 6hr 45mins audio of the full 23 May 2014 Board Mee:ng (midday to 18.45) a<ended by Mrs Hillgarth, Mr Segar Karupiah and myself - and yes, all were advised it was being recorded as Mr Jamil Raja had requested we note all comments and observa:ons to fully report back to him for final decisions. Somewhat regre<ably this audio has only come to light arer a failed hard drive became somewhat miraculously live again. There is a God without a doubt.
I am not copying Mr Bruce Maunder Taylor nor poor Ms Burrow who must think I’m a Trump clone given the rubbish she’s been fed to date, and will leave you to do the honours which no doubt Mr Maunder Taylor will wonder just who he’s got himself involved with. As for Mrs Hillgarth, I suggest you do as I previously suggested. Take her aside and give her some professional advice and stop taking her money on false pretences. The game is up for her unless she wants further embarrassment from a wider publica:on of a 6hr 45min tape proving she’s lied to one and all and in the process dragged my reputa:on, integrity and honesty through the dirt let alone 15 months of my life, substan:al incurred costs and consequent anxiety. Yes, another pyrrhic victory.
And finally - your postcode is your home on your s.22 - Mrs Hillgarth has been emailed on 10 and 11 June re the audio reques:ng comment - but like our offer to comply and our offer to throw in the towel, it remained unacknowledged so presuming, as with our

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