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iv) ALL published s.20 Notices including the final approved 22 June 2014 (six in total)
v) Various Invoices, including those relevant to the 2014 Internal/External Works, and the RTM Invoice - relevance/additional works
vi) Minutes of 23 May 2014 Board Meeting - relevance/additional works
vii) References to and proof of the content & validity/navigability/simplicity of (containing items i) to v) above since published) I will bring my laptop and would request you and/or Mrs Hillgarth also have a laptop/computer in situ so we can properly ascertain the various criticisms levelled at by various lessees, including most notably, Mrs Hillgarth.
As I have previously made clear, I have no objection whatsoever to you or Mrs Hillgarth adding items so long as I’m pre-advised to prepare my paperwork.
No doubt, and as previously requested of Mrs Hillgarth on innumerable occasions but alas no reply to the question, with the most recent being in response to her "I suspect that with all the amount of money you stole from your [the] leaseholders over the years of your management you have plenty of money to survive “ email, I will repeat my question to Mrs Hillgarth: Yes or No to agreeing to making savings anyway we could, to be used to fund the Wade items you requested them to quote for but we could not afford?”
And no doubt she too has pertinent questions to ask me for the umpteenth time which I will oblige and only respond with hard physical evidence, no hearsay nor memories. Please advise a list?
As is evident from the proposal I’m making, at the outcome of our meeting, either you or if present, Mrs Hillgarth, will have me dead to rights if I have not fully substantiated the evidence presented to date in defence of the very serious accusations she has levelled against me personally. I fully appreciate that if indeed my evidence is proved inconclusive, ineffective or irrelevant, I deserve the insults and libel levelled against me including being obviously guilty of what Mrs Hillgarth implies, "all the amount of money you stole from your [the] leaseholders over the years” is true?
But if not, and my documentation/evidence yet again proves all repeated previous responses, the consequences will be as serious for Mrs Hillgarth, including one imagines, an Appeal to the First Tier Tribunal which might well accept one despite it’s tardiness due to obvious reasons [perjury?] and without doubt, I will consider my position, along with Mr Raja and Mr Karupiah, as regards both libel and slander committed by Mrs Hillgarth in her vindictive pursuit of MHML, it’s Directors and most notably, me personally.
This proposal is in no way to be considered by you "a between the lines" request for you to withhold any previously threatened correspondence or threats as regards MHML, because I believe that
Mrs Hillgarth’s recent 2 January 2019 @ 13.27 to seven lessee/owners of Flats 1, 2,3,4,7,8 and 9, emailed libel is referencing me personally and not Mr Raja nor Mr Karupiah, hence I am entitled to proffer my response, as proposed above.
You must excuse my somewhat frustrated extravagant euphuisms but were you, Mr Begg, ever subject to the same nonsense perpetrated by Mrs Hillgarth in pursuit of her quite obvious vendetta against me personally, helped in an unconscionable and dishonest manner by you in pursuit no doubt of your ill gotten fees, you too might revert to frustrated extravagant euphuisms, which indeed you did first in your letter of 7 November 2016 with your “And if you think that is defamatory, then go ahead and sue. The Courts are available to you. I would welcome it.”
I am posting this via Royal Mail as indeed, subsequent to your request to “unsubscribe” (despite as I pointed out “Curiosity killed the cat” in the flurry of hard evidence sent to you pre-Christmas via email and a couple in New Year) I cannot be 100% certain you are still curious? Bet you are!
Yours sincerely,
Paul Brown-Constable

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