P. 441

Paul Brown-Constable Esq; Flat 7, Mitre House
124 King’s Road,
London SW3 4TP
19 January 2019
Dear Mr Brown-Constable,
Mitre House Management Limited
I acknowledge receipt of your (physical) letter dated 7 January 2019 which was received in the mail.
...Another euphuism, Mr. Begg – I take the hint (physical) that you are not owning up to having received those emails outlined in my 7 January letter? Bet you did though and each shot down in flames the particular accusation levelled...
Apparently you wish to review, in a meeting with me, the “physical, indisputable, non-contestable” evidence against you, leaving aside what you would dismiss as “petty” issues, by which I assume you mean (for example) blackmail, intimidation, fraudulent claims on your website, and “doctoring” of illegally recorded audiotapes.
...Oh dear, you cannot resist the obvious. Had you the slightest idea of how best to solve a problem your letter of 23 March 2016 would have simply requested sight of those invoices you were demanding, which of course we immediately complied with. But no, you had to add twelve additional pages of accusations and threats giving any recipient, me or anybody else, the given opportunity to allegedly blackmail, intimidate and fraudulently refuse you a second offer once our initial offer was ignored.
What possible excuse could we honestly have had other than to have simply sent the requested invoices once advised of your pneumonic predicament? But your additional twelve pages of accusations and threats didn’t just give us good reason to not further oblige but opened, to date, a near three year argy-bargy over what actually comes down to common sense, (making savings to fund agreed unaffordable items), along with I’ll admit, a further argy-bargy over simplicity versus unnecessary complexity (Reserves Utilised done the way we preferred, costs including vat and fees, doing works concurrently etc) which I fully appreciate you would prefer done in a different [more convoluted] manner?
PFC Begg
9th Floor
Metro Building
1, Butterwick Hammersmith London W6 8DL Tel: 020 8846 2705

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