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From: Subject: Date: To: Bcc:
Paul B_C
Michele Hillgarth's Correspondence/reply
23 January 2017 at 20:42
Sigg - Hillgarth Michele
Brown-Constable Paul Neville, Jamil Raja, Karupiah Segar, Raby Lorna
My Dear Michele -
Many thanks for your copied-to-all-letter dated today, 23rd January. I think it appropriate I reply to you in the first instance, but will forward this comment/reply if I hear back from any of those you copied - which is doubtful as I’m sure they are as sick ’n tired of listening to your constant paranoid bleatings as we are.
I thought I had it quite clear in pre-Christmas correspondence that Management would no longer reply to, nor make further comment on any subject, accusation, innuendo nor complaint prior to the recent New Year, as indeed, as you quite rightly make clear, we have covered in detail (despite your insistence we have not) all your pathetic queries and innuendos to date.
If indeed you are not satisfied I suggest you proceed with your constant and oft repeated threats and call the Police regarding your references to my alleged intimidation, blackmail, forging Solicitors letters and indecent exposure; the Fraud Squad for not having itemised Reserves Utilised to your satisfaction (or as you refer, misleading accounting, which, seeing as you have on file emails from myself reminding lessees including your goodself that once the 2014 accounts (or indeed any accounts) were published and within 6 months, all are at liberty to request all and any documents referencing the works budget for 2014 or anyting from other year-end accounts - remembering, of course, our initial original offer to comply to your request which you ignored - both of which would tend to dispute misleading accounting if they could so easily have been perused and, in the case of 2014, were offered to bike over as way back as 1st April last year!): purloining the lessees' Window Repairs monies; the Third Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) for having used Caribbean Sunset as opposed to Taupe in the "communal" areas and bronze (not gold as you refer) as opposed to black or dark grey on the lift!
As you are well aware, a dog was recently required to be removed along with your tenant from Flat 5 and you continue, despite our Solicitor’s correspondence, to ignore your lease covenants, namely to seek Landlord’s permission with all required documentation, references, tenancy agreement etc (purely for the safety of neighbouring lessees and in keeping with our Insurers requirements), and prior to subletting, your flat should be properly close carpetted so as ambient noise pollution does not become a nuisance or annoyance to neighbouring lessees.
We also note that Tenancy Agreements, including those that you issue, include a clause stating that all required permissions have been granted.
In your case, as we and our Solicitor has made clear, they have not and as such any tenancy agreement you issue is consequently both fraudulent and illegal putting yourself in some jeopardy as your tenant could indeed refuse to vacate due to the illegality of their agreement.
With the recent reduction in annual Demands reduced by £600 per annum for all nine lessees in 2017 and annual costs per lessee still less than they were paying to our previous Agents in 2011 some six years ago and Mitre House in near perfect condition, both externally and internally courtesy of a £105,000 refurb in 2014 in anticipation of its 100th birthday in 2017, we consider your continued innuendos contrary to both good management and common sense.
In fact, please consider this our final comment on any matter prior this 2017 new year and that includes to or from all directors, including those who have sensibly bailed out due entirely to your juvenile, incompetent and spiteful attitude - the very same reasons we required your resignation in September 2014.
With my very best wishes for 2017......if indeed there is one, post Mr Trump and most likely Marie Le Pen?
Paul Brown-Constable / +44 207 589 7502 Mbl: +44 798 33 33 543 on behalf of the Directors of

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