Page 24 - 53_PBC to Begg (Crime OCR)_12-7-16 (33pp)
P. 24

Had you not written your lengthy 13pp letter on 23 March 2016 accusing MHML (me) of every conceivable sin, including fraud, misappropriation of funds and misfeasances ad infinitum, instead of a three line request to peruse relevant invoices from the 2014 ac- counts, we could (and we did on 1st April) have simply sent them over including our in- voice which was always on file.
But in the absence of any acknowledgement and on the advice we received to make certain we thoroughly disprove, dispute and fully evidence our disprovals with supporting documents, which we have done, and get confirmation that the accusations, slurs and innuendos were all totally untrue (which they all were and we proved them so and are still doing so) and they are confirmed as withdrawn, you might have been supplied the requested items.
No confirmation has been forthcoming, just more threats. Any reason why not? Wouldn’t you or the Fraud Squad also request same if wrongly accused and had supplied proof perfect evidence to the contrary?
Leaving aside the 6 month statute which a request made on 17 December 2015 to view documents from accounts dated 30 May 2015 was at least 17 days out of time, and your client’s refusal to adhere to the covenants in her lease to the distinct detriment of fellow lessees and the security of the whole building.
As you are aware, that is now in the hands of our Solicitor.
As predicted, Mrs Hillgarth considers that unfair retribution for her present attack on our integrity and honesty. She has maybe forgotten that our Freeholder and previous Agents first reminded her over seven years ago. We’ve mentioned it every year since 2012, most especially as she was a Director of MHML and we could hardly enforce other lessees if
26 ever in breach of their lease if one of our directors also was.... makes sense?
Mr Brown-Constable has also admitted (Item 11 - see his letter dated 30 June 2016 which attaches his comments superimposed on a letter from Mr Begg dated 21 June 2016) that a retention sum of £1,590 due to AR Lawrence and which still remains unpaid (see Witness Statement of Tony White) had been included in the "Reserves utilised" figure of £105,877 in the Service Charge Accounts, notwithstanding that this sum had not yet been paid.
(reply) a provision is a creditor and a creditor it remains. Previously well covered.
I do note your many references to my admission of certain facts and figures but note not one admission from you or your client to our requests for confirmations. I’ve also made one or two apologies, too, so what with admissions and apologies it would appear I’m being pretty honest and transparent where required to be, (or not as the case might be) - leaving aside that the admissions are very well explained and have no relevance to any
27 admittance to any fraud or other misfeasances you’ve thrown our way!
By way of explanation of his role Mr Brown-Constable has claimed in a letter to Mr Begg dated 10 June 2016 - Item 12) that he was doing the work as a sub-contractor of AR Lawrence or under their supervision. He says that had his work been of "substandard or unprofessional quality ..... it would have been required to be corrected by both AR Lawrence and our Surveyor." This is denied absolutely by Tony White (see his Witness Statement). According to Tony White, Mr Brown-Con- stable was not in fact, as he had claimed, working as a sub-contractor of AR Lawrence or under their supervision. AR Lawrence operatives may well have seen what Mr Brown-Constable was doing, but they were in no way responsible for his work in the way Mr Brown-Constable had suggested.

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