Page 25 - 53_PBC to Begg (Crime OCR)_12-7-16 (33pp)
P. 25

(reply) yet another small typo [should read]: I do not agree, and neither does AR Lawrence nor our Sur- veyor, with Mrs Hillgarth’s comment that my work or indeed any other work was of a sub-standard nor unprofessional quality. Quite the contrary in fact, as had it been found to be so, as with a sub-contractor, it would have been required to be corrected by both AR Lawrence and our Surveyor.
None of the work executed by any AR Lawrence sub-contractor, of which there were many, appeared on our Surveyor’s final snagging list for further attention by AR Lawrence, including the workings I arranged.
I have already made clear we purposefully did not want any association of sub-contracting so as to save yet more funds as opposed to any sub-contractor loadings. This again is nit-picking: and I still consider Mrs Hillgarth’s opinion to be unqualified and spiteful: “ that my work or indeed any other work was of a sub-standard or unprofessional quality.” Her qualification to assess sub-standard or unprofessional quality is as doubtful as her memory and already disputed professional acumen:
The following email (ref DDD) was sent to me just thirteen days after her 13 June 2012 (ref CCC) meeting with other lessees (the now disputed “majority” vote for her “Suzanna” pro- posed specifications) and six months into our tenure as Management, with Mrs Hillgarth as a proven disloyal and duplicitous co-Director with little or no knowledge of statutory regula- tions despite considering herself a professional and competent property developer, as this email amply evidences:
My understanding is that Mire House does not currently conform to fire regulations and does not have a fire alarm system in place. (Above 2 levels this is a legal requirement and the system can be wireless). The people who are appointed to test the fire equipment in the building can confirm the above.
Fire Regulations
Above 2 levels this is a legal requirement [not at MITRE HOUSE it ain’t] and the system can be wireless -
(comment) Wrong, incorrect as usual, and she claims to be a “property developer”. In fact we actually have beautiful silver Fire Extinguishers in place which we are not statutorily re- quired to have!
But as good Management, we consider you can’t make Mitre House be safe enough.
References made to "substandard or unprofessional quality ..... it would have been required to be corrected by both AR Lawrence and our Surveyor." That’s pretty obvious whoever was on-site. Even I was keeping an eye on their workings, as indeed was our Surveyor. Again it’s quite obvious that the majority of workings that I arranged and supervised and project managed were all completed prior to AR Lawrence’s commencement on 1 September 2014 as indeed they were required to be so as not to interfere with AR Lawrence’s workings.
And yes, quite obviously, because my workings (using accredited professionals where required) were mostly accomplished prior to AR Lawrence commencing, and those work- ings were as Mrs Hillgarth had expected to be done (unless she still maintains her now [dis- proved] majority vote on 13 June 2012 of those same works required was not to follow those workings she requested of Wade & Hemi to quote for?
I repeat: As advised to MHML in an email from Mrs Hillgarth “The costs and breakdown pro- vided by Hemi and Wade Design were based on the scope of works provided by Suzanna [Flat 9 - Fortunati] and agreed by the majority at the meeting on the 13th June 2012.” (copy

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