Page 27 - 53_PBC to Begg (Crime OCR)_12-7-16 (33pp)
P. 27

These Accounts will include a Management Fee of £4320, as budgeted, and despite some comments to the contrary from both ourselves and Lessees, it is a very reasonable Fee for Management’s very careful hus- bandry of costs and expenses, yet alone extensive savings to all Lessees (totalling a minimum £1000 to date per flat)
The Internals schedule, regrettably left in total chaos in 2012, will proceed in late summer 2013, admittedly with a more affordable and sensible specification, costing no more than £35,000 incl. vat for various already flagged works.
This will rise if certain other works and installations take place, which are still under consideration, namely a communal Sky Satellite Service and fully carpeting the common parts landings and stairs.
Also, all electrical works previously discussed which include new auto sensor lighting throughout, electrical plugs on each floor, boxing in of various electrical equipment on each floor, plus emer- gency lighting units where required on each floor, landings and fire escape route. This will be done within the £35,000 incl vat budget.
Lessees will be advised of any additional costs over and above the £35,000 incl. vat costs once established via the appropriate Section 20 Notices.
As regards the Sky Dish Install, four Lessees have responded with agreement. As such, as indicated in pre- vious emails, those who have not replied are considered as accepting the install. Consequently we will pro- ceed in due course but those flats not responding are presumed they do not wish to be disturbed, and consequently will not be wired in initially.
In our covering letter with Quarterly Demands to all lessees, dated 25 March 2014: Note ONE year on......!
Both the Internals’ & Externals’ works will be commenced 1st September 2014, and some Internals over the course of the summer months. The anticipated schedule for both will be 15 weeks max and hopefully much shorter.
The relevant second Section 20 Notice is attached showing the various quotes.
Despite Management’s invitation to Lessees to advise a supplier they wished to also be tendered, none was forthcoming, but as time is not critical we also attach the Surveyor’s Specifications which those Lessees wishing to forward to their preferred supplier can utilise and follow to the letter and advise Management of their quote. Within 36 days please, ie by latest 1st May 2014 after which Management cannot entertain fur- ther discussion.
The third and final Section 20 will then make Management’s final report, no later that 15th June 2014.
In our covering letter with draft BUDGET & Quarterly Demands to all lessees, dated 8 December 2014:
Despite very careful husbandry of expenditure during the past three years, which will be continued diligently by Management, it has been necessary to increase the Service Charge and Reserve’s demands.
Quarterly Demands for 2015 will rise from the present £650 to £900 following the expenditure for the recent interior & exterior, thankfully nearing completion, well behind schedule but thankfully on or near £105,019 budget, plus some additional expenses in maintaining Mitre House to an even higher standard than to date.
This revised £900 Quarterly total is still only £54 more than that charged by our previous Agents, KFH, prior to Management taking the reins in January 2012 over three years ago.
In our covering letter with Quarterly Demands to all lessees, dated 9 March 2015:
Note THREE months after works finalised....!
“Amazingly all quiet and peaceful at Mitre House. Not one single comment on any subject from any

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