Page 31 - 53_PBC to Begg (Crime OCR)_12-7-16 (33pp)
P. 31

ences to where and what appears on the annual accounts, and all because she has an unhealthy disrespect for authority, most especially MHML, and simply will not accept advice, comment or requests to comply with normal day-to-day neighbourliness, prefering to cause upset and mis- chief amongst somewhat less informed lessees.
As a prime proof perfect example (and advised on page 25): In an email from Mrs Hillgarth to me on 26 June 2012
Mrs Hillgarth sent an email to all lessees on 26 June 2012 to cause havoc as usual, as opposed to MHML to sort or fix or refute - and remember she was a Director of MHML and as such was part Management and should not have contacted other lessees prior to reporting to her MHML co-directors first - the result of which (like all her canvassing caused) involved me then receiving half a dozen emails from other panicking lessees and all required to be answered)
My understanding is that Mire House does not currently conform to fire regulations and does not have a fire alarm system in place. (Above 2 levels this is a legal requirement and the system can be wireless). The people who are appointed to test the fire equipment in the building can confirm the above.
Mrs Hillgarth emailed me on 9 April 2012: (ref F)
Dear Paul Happy Easter
Ref: 1a the panels in the corridor should be painted coral the same way than in the staircase and the ceiling could be light grey. In each case I like the dedo the way you have painted it in a darker grey. I think this work well
Fire Regulations
Above 2 levels this is a legal requirement [not at MITRE HOUSE it ain’t] and the system can be wireless - Wrong, incorrect, and she claims to be a “property developer”. In fact we actually have beautiful silver Fire Extinguishers in place which we are not statutorily required to have!
3a: same comments as above changing the coral for the green
5a: I think the greys works very well and could be the winner once it's complimented with some paintings, photos,?????
It leaves us more options to dress up the place and to warm it up !
Best regards Michele
Second Email received from Mrs Hillgarth on 9 April 2012: (ref F)
“In my opinion the lift cage from bottom to top should be properly painted or I should say
sprayed rather than being just clean...”
(comment) Show me any lift works on AR Lawrence’s Works Schedule - or any other con- tractor’s quote on the 22 June 2014 s.20......but yes, it does appear on Wade & Hemi?

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