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P. 35

Communal Crittall Windows - gloss one colour - vote to go ahead and do (simply repairing and making good to close etc)
Mirrors - multiple, minimum or not - comments awaited
Wallpapering - beneath dado rail or not - voted NO in principle
Lighting - Tiffany lamps on all floors and hallways + auto sensors - and acting also on emergency circuit - voted TIFFANY, not Lanterns
Additional exterior lighting (on Fire Escape landings) + auto sensors and emergency lighting - voted go ahead
Main Front Door renovations and door furniture and post box voted OK Tenant Front Door renovations and new door furniture voted OK
Mail Table in hallway + mail pigeon boxes incl. junk section to be discussed Framed prints or whatever on hallway or staircase - or mirrors - to be discussed Boxing in and tidying up of loose wiring, meter boxes on all 3 floors - ok go ahead - cannot, though, dismantle old wiring - too dangerous
Mitre House exterior signage above front door renovated - go ahead ok
Rear Yard and basement tidied up, new door and drains cleared. going ahead - Communal TV aerial and Communal SKY Dish on roof - needs discussion
As regards voting patterns, these facts are very pertinent, namely:
Preference A (Traditional Elegance) voters were Flats 1, 3 and 9 - (and then joined by Flat 5 eight days after deadline) all of whom have only recently arrived at Mitre House, whereas those that voted Preference B have all lived here (or owned flats) at Mitre House for 15 - 35 years or more.
Hopefully Flats 1, 3 and 9 will fully appreciate, the majority of the Reserves (£80,000 to date) have been built up by these longer term residents over many years (approx £12,500 each to date). In the case of Flat 1, their contribution to Reserves stands at £500 to date, whereas Flats 3 and 9 have contributed £2997.50 each to the Reserves. More alarmingly, Flat 1 has been bought and sold four times in the last 12 years, and Flat 3, six times since 1998. Flat 9 is the exception having been purchased from the original Landlords in 2010.
One could well argue that if we followed the recommendations and style of that preferred by Flats 1, 3 and 9, we could be faced with a very unhappy situation of having a decor that we would all be stuck with on their premature departure. Only time will tell if that prophecy has credence! But I feel sure that they, too, would agree, were the boot on the other foot, and they had contributed the most, lived here the longest and knew the rapid turnover of new tenant properties (not Flat 9), that the final decisions of decor must rest with those of us who have lived here the longest, especially, without doubt, those that actually live here on a day to day basis and call it home (i.e., Flats 2, 4, 7, 8 and indeed, 9).
Consequently, whichever way one computes the votes, via a Leaseholder (all 9 flats) vote, it's Preference B by a majority 5 - 4 (and including Lisa Cane in Flat 8, who has lived here for 15 years, its 6-4) - or by the Residents who live here as a home, it's 4 - 1 in favour of Preference B. As regards the Mitre House Management Ltd, it's 3-1 in favour of Belle Epoque.
A meeting has been scheduled by Michele Hillgarth (Flat 5) and Susanna for 5pm on Wed 13th June inviting whoever wishes to attend to contact Susanna. And at that meeting, even though Preference B is the style to be adopted, there are a few aspects still
 to be ironed out and decided - hopefully at your meeting with those wishing to comment

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