Page 8 - 74_PBC to Begg_13-12-16 (22pp)
P. 8

You are quite the most duplicitous, scheming and ill-informed co-director I have ever encountered and look forward to seeing you at our registered office on 18th September where matters will be finally re- solved. Might I suggest you bring along your cheque book to pay the very outstanding £2582.74 RTM invoice owed to Management.
PS Signage UP - Savings UP - or would you prefer contractor's signs for six times the money .....?
And yet again, my email to Mrs Hillgarth dated 13 September 2014 @ 11.07 - NOT to be confused with the “game, set and match” timed at 16.13h
Michele -
On the two previous occasions you have visited my flat, namely to view the Tiffany lights in 2012 and the other day, Tuesday 9 Sept, to view the cabling etc etc you have subsequently caused mayhem.
As well documented, although you approved the Tiffany lamps and indeed agreed the lift should not be painted black (which Flat 9 were insisting on) you subsequently changed your mind on all points and as you'll recall, your comments were supposedly, as you said, what I wanted to hear! True but a bit devi- ous.
And then following your recent Tuesday 9th visit, when I spent an hour showing you around, the roof, the rear fire-escape etc etc and explaining in detail any concerns which amounted to just redundant ca- bling and BT wiring - all of which are well documented as being attended to within the specifications, numerous copies of which you have received but seem incapable of comprehending and demanding more and more copies.
I even gave Phoebe the Hound some water..... hardly unfriendly nor un-neighbourly don't you think? And you didn't even notice the new lift colour..... until I pointed it out..... amazing.
BUT - exactly as predicted, your visit was followed by emails accusing me of everything save for being a member of ISIS.
And then you contacted our surveyor troubling him with the exact same queries raised with me and re- questing yet another specifications, your fifth or even sixth...!
Not only that, but you again commenced stirring up concerns with other lessees as to your imagined and mischievous comments.
On your unexpected and unannounced visit yesterday Friday mid afternoon (15.30) expecting me to be at your beck and call to collect a replacement front door key, you are quite correct, on hearing the unannounced knock on my door, I opened my door to see you hiding around the corner and I said, oh no, Michele, no more, I've had enough of your duplicity and yes, I just don't trust you and in the present climate, it would not be advisable for us to be in contact unless others are present. I slammed the door.
If you want an appointment, make one in the normal way.
And I have just become aware of your misinformed comments in the communal Comments Book - the VERY FIRST RECEIVED.... as ever, you have no idea as to what you're talking about complaining no works in progress or workers on site. You obviously meant the interior (which isn't scheduled to com- mence until mid October (if you bothered to read the works schedule I sent everybody weeks ago) but didn't bother to check the scaffolding or roof where works & workers are in hand, ahead of schedule and on budget.
So, yet again you have proved your total misunderstanding of the processes, schedules etc etc. As regards the requested key, I attach an invoice along with a Statement all of which is self explanatory.
I did NOT refuse you a key but said I did not have a key yet. A comprehensive fortnightly works update will be sent to all lessees over the w/end which will include your Comments Book observations as I note you consider your comments to be also agreed by Flats 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9.

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