Page 177 - The Big Begg_1
P. 177
From: Michele Hillgarth Subject: RE: Your e-mail of 4th October 2011
Date: 6 October 2011 at 13:26
To: Paul Brown Constable
Dear Paul,
I just wanted to respond to the points you made, so that we can clear it all up and put it behind us, and move forward on a good footing.
You need to understand that until the 9.08.2011, you and the others were definitely not 100% convinced on purchasing the head lease, and you will remember that all along I said I would do it on my own if you decided not to go ahead. And as you know, I was abroad and had to install a system in my absence to make sure that all the deadlines were met. So, this is why I directed all my correspondence to Christopher - who I had instructed before I left to act on my behalf, as you of course would not have been interested in dealing on my behalf if you had not decided to go ahead with the purchase for yourself as well.
This was all done in good faith, and to avoid any misunderstanding or missing any deadlines, as where I was in France I do not have access to my own computer and both the telephone and internet access is very poor. The only way I could get onto my e-mail was via my daughter's laptop, which I could only use when she was around as it is a Mac which I am totally unfamiliar with! It was not me being contrary, it was merely the situation of my location.
Your second point regarding your urgent e-mail of 11.08.11 - I replied to Christopher only the following day with all my details, which I know forwarded immediately onto you. So, you had all the relevant information for you to enter me as a director and sharefolder in the newly formed management company when you registered it by the deadline of 15.08.11 (and again, bearing in mind it was only 2 days before that you confirmed your firm interest, but subject to conditions - and I did not know who else was on board at this point, whichi s why I replied to Christopher, so there was no ambiguity about my intentions). I am sorry if you felt I was ignoring you, but as I've said I didn't have access to all the communications going around at this point.
I understand that you, like me, get easily frustrated - hence your texts on 11th August. Again, this was why I sent an e-mail to Christopher on the 12th and not you, when I finally had access to e-mail.
I must however, with confidence, refute that I 'did not comply on any single one of those three requirements'. I have paid on time the requested sum for the purchase of the head lease, I have paid on time for my share of the registered company, so I don't know what more was expected.
I also want to re-iterate that I sent an e-mail on 12.08.11 at 17.40 entitled 'Dear All...' where I sent my digital signature in order for you to incorporate my details into the purchase and the new company. Your e-mail of 15.08.11 acknowledged you had received all of this information.
One final point is that I was fully aware of Mitre House's head lease going up for sale as I have several friends who are in the market of buying these sort of head leases, and who had already informed me. So, whilst I appreciate all your work on this, I have also done a lot of work myself, which you have also kindly acknowledged.
Now that this had all been said, let us move onto the pertinent management points you put forward:
- Do you need any further information for adding me to the company as a director and shareholder? I can confirm that I want to be registered as MICHELE HILLGARTH.
- Please let me know if you require me to also add a deposit of £25 to the newly formed Lloyds TSB bank account.
- Re: accountants, I'm sure your choice of Pemberton Professionals is absolutely fine, but please let me know if you need an alternative as I've had mine for the last 30 years and is very competenet.
- Please bill for my share of the costs for the letterhead - or what will be another drink on me if that is preferable!
- Please let me know when you want the money for my share of the costs of the website, which sounds like a wonderful idea.
- Regarding the management of the property - you are quite right, I did suggest Best Gapp & Cassellls. I can confirm that they would be interested despite the fact we are small. One of the advantages is that there are only in Elizabeth Street round the corner, and from my previous conversation before the summer they were prepared to match
the previous charges of KFH. The other option I can suggest is Smith Waters who are at Panton Street, where I had been dealing with Richard Waters or Phillip Smith, and I can highly recommend them for their efficiency. I am putting these forward to you because I am in two minds as to whether we should manage it ourselves or not. I suggest we could always give it a go, and if it doesn't work go back to using a managing agent.
Thank you for your other 2 e-mails, which I will digest over the weekend. Please let me know when I can give you your Bandol!
With best wishes,