Page 207 - The Big Begg_1
P. 207
- Delaying exterior works until 2015
- ONCE and only ONCE the interiors are completed, re-visit the
discussion on the exterior with regard to costs, and financing options for the additional funds, needed and who is to be given the contract.
I hope the above information brings forth some direct comment from Lessees. Management can do no more than explain the financial implications. And Michele, do remember that Mitre House Management Limited of which you are a Director, are now in serious breach of our Head Lease obligations and if the Externals are not commenced 1st September this year, you must be aware of the possible legal consequences for all four Directors, both financially and fiduciary.
I couldn't open all your attachments, only the WADE Quote and letter was operable, the two or three others were not, so please resend if possible... probably to all.
I attached documentation to my previous e-mail sent on 1st May, which clearly shows past precendence that decisions taken by management were under the direction of the majority of the leasees at Mitre House. So let’s carry on the tradition.
To Flat 9, Susanna - do please double check all my figures (but do refer to the WADE quote which Michele mailed to you and all lessees), and come up with alternatives if sensible but no mention please of anyone, including Management, contributing out of their own pockets as I think you and others made clear you were NOT willing to help the poor and elderly at Mitre House...!
Finally, it would be useful to hear comment from Flats 4 and 8 who to date have remained somewhat distant. If indeed Michele does have the support of Flats 1, 3 and 9 to her preferences, they or Michele should get their approval in writing to all above. As such Flats 4 and 8 might also like to comment, confirm or deny their acceptance to her proposals as outlined above with the relevant financial contributions to be met.
Sincerely, bemused and confused.... Paul
PS And obviously do NOT forget Management's proposal costing not one red cent from anybody, namely accepting our cheapest tender (A & R Lawrence) and sprucing up the Interior within budget to a high degree of competence and intelligence but regrettably not a spanking first rate cleaned and repaired Terrazzo for £16,000 - but believe me, you'll still notice a great improvement on present condition.
Section 20_2 QUOTE...l/h.pdf
Dear All Lessees,
To finalise the scheduled Internals & Externals please email me back with your firm confirmed confirmation (or NOT) to one of the following:
A_ to adopt WADE DESIGN PARTNERS's 23 January 2013 INTERNALS quote totalling £51,647.76 including VAT which will require ALL nine lessees agreeing to pay an additional £5369. 55 into Reserves by latest 1st July this year. Both Internals & Externals will then commence as scheduled on 1st September this year.
B_ to proceed with (A) above BUT with no requirement to add to Reserves, and to delay the EXTERNALS until next year 2015. By doing so, the next five Quarterly Demands (June, September, December 2014, and March and June 2015) will rise from £650 per quarter to £1,975 per quarter. (Michele, see Notes below). That is a Total outlay over the next five Quarters per Lessee of £9,875 as opposed to date of £3,250 (ie an additional £6650 per Lessee to cover the Externals in 2015 - conservatively approximated at £78,468. 80 incl Vat - with the balance due to Externals contractor to be paid from the residue of the Reserves once the Internals have been paid for in 2014.