Page 209 - The Big Begg_1
P. 209

I am somewhat at a loss to understand your insistence that the Externals are done next year and no attempt be made to put funds away to cover them until such time as the Internals are finished this year. Obviously, by doing as you suggest, once the Internals are done and paid for, the Reserves will require funding to the tune of anywhere between £154,000 and £169,000 (the £20,000 difference is what we would have in reserves once WADE's Internals costs are paid, and depending on which figures you wish to use above... ie with fees and contingencies or without... I strongly suggest WITH....
I leave you and your fellow majority to do the maths as regards raising £154,000 or £169,000 between 9 Lessees once Internals are finished in late October this year and one presumes, your suggested Externals schedule for September next year. My rough guess are three Quarterly Demands (Jan, Mar, June 2015) of either £5700 each lessee, or £6529 each lessee.... for three Quarterly Demands... considerable outlays over and above Management's more reasonable £650 per quarter per lessee.
As regards your other comments. KFH charged £265 to clear gutters ONCE. I've been doing it twice a year for £130 (and in fact did it for Flat 6 and Flat 9 even whilst KFH were the Agents at no charge... AND, Flat 1 advised a broken light switch which I repaired with an accredited electrician, for £185. I have on file the exact same switch repair/replacement invoice for £659 paid by our Agents, KFH in 2010. Do you still wish me to withdraw my cheap labour?
As regards your reference to Flat 9's email - I suggest you let them now do the maths again based on WADE's recent quote. I would add that it was ONLY Flat 9 who have even replied to the (A) and (B) query.... (see below to refresh your memory) no one else, so who is the majority - please let me know. WHO DOES AGREE TO THESE ADDITIONAL FUNDS BEING RAISED, no matter this year or next.... WHO AGREES?
I hope the above information brings forth some direct comment from Lessees. Management can do no more than explain the finances for present.
PS I couldn't open all your attachments, only the WADE Quote was operable, the three others were not, so please resend if possible... probably to all.
<Section 20_2 QUOTES_2014_ MASTER (NEW) Colour l:h.pdf>
Dear All Lessees,
To finalise the scheduled Internals & Externals please email me back with your firm confirmed confirmation (or NOT) to one of the following:
A_ to adopt WADE DESIGN PARTNERS's 23 January 2013 INTERNALS quote totalling £51,647.76 including VAT which will require ALL nine lessees agreeing to pay an additional £5369. 55 into Reserves by latest 1st July this year. Both Internals & Externals will then commence as scheduled on 1st September this year.
B_ to proceed with (A) above BUT with no requirement to add to Reserves, and to delay the EXTERNALS until next year 2015. By doing so, the next five Quarterly Demands (June, September, December 2014, and March and June 2015) will rise from £650 per quarter to £1,975 per quarter. (Michele, see Notes below). That is a Total outlay over the next five Quarters per Lessee of £9,875 as opposed to date of £3,250 (ie an additional £6650 per Lessee to cover the Externals in 2015 - conservatively approximated at £78,468. 80 incl Vat - with the balance due to Externals contractor to be paid from the residue of the Reserves once the Internals have been paid for in 2014.
Answers please within 7 days as we have to make a final decision on receipt of Wade's full quote/tender for both Internals/Externals on 15 May.
That's it, Michele - can't be fairer than that and in truth there can be no further discussions as these are the only two alternative arguments over and above Management proceeding as scheduled on 1st September using available reserve funds and staying within affordable budget for Internals.
We have to sign contracts with one contractor by 31st May, and once signed and deposits/fees etc paid, there's no turning back.
i) I have purposely raised this from £1,724 to £1,975 as we would have to take into account inflation, a revised set of EXTERNAL Quotes (all at present expire on 31st July) and most importantly having some spare Reserves for other matters needing attention at Mitre House between now and September next year.

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