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P. 229

 If I clearly understand you are not prepare to supply the relevant documents you promised to deliver on your return from holidays ?
From: Graffiti Editions Ink / Designers []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 3:02 PM
To: Michele Hillgarth
Subject: Re: Supporting documents for 2014 refurbishment as referred in account of 2015
Michele -
The attached well answers your query of 8th September as it was attended to on my return on 24th September as promised.
I refer to your email to me of 24 March 2016 @ 12.25pm Please direct your comments directly to my solicitor Mr Peter Begg. I will not be responding to any communica9ons .
Please do not trouble me again re: 2014 paperwork until such time as we are advised by Third Tier Tribunal (Property Division) that any request, valid or not, was made within the statutory 6 months which as you have well admitted in your Witness Statement, your's was not and despite your insidious accusations that we also received requests from other lessees, I can assure you we did not and to date, despite our request for proof that they did, none has ever been forthcoming.
One would think your Solicitor would be more than aware of the above facts (not fiction) after 7 months correspondence over the exact same request(s)?

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