Page 26 - The Big Begg_1
P. 26

Firstly, please add into the minutes the below points:
Cc: Paul Constable <>, Jamil Raja <>, <>
Reply-To: <>
Thank you very much for sending the copy of the minutes for the meeting that was held on 23rd May 2014 at 12.00pm.
Dear Segar,
- Paul charges a fee of £7.00 per day for his attendance at Mitre House. As far as I am aware this has never been approved at a board meeting, and there is no record or documenta- tion to state otherwise. Until this has been agreed this charge should be suspended.
Reference Minutes From 25th August 2011 (Item 17) - in the absence of any director, a majority (quorum) can proceed with decisions. Does Ms Hillgarth consider £7 a day excessive (or for an average 12 hour day, £1.71 an hour).
- The acknowledgement that the instructions given to the surveyor by PCB were verbal.
As discussed at Meeting, they were not only verbal, they were by email (and a meeting) as evidenced by Surveyors letter dated 13 December 2013 of which you received copies, twice.
- I would like it registered that the estimates provided are not “like for like” in my opinion, for example Wade has included several things such as lighting etc. which are not provided in some of the other quotes including the quote from A&R Lawrence. [AR Lawrence}
There are NO LIGHTS NOR ELECTRICS in either A&R Lawrence's tender, NOR INDEED ANY OF THE OTHER 5 TENDERS including WADE's - Wade DID QUOTE for some electrics & lighting in their previous TWO quotes 3rd July 2012 and 23rd January 2013
As was proved CONCLUSIVELY at the meeting by Ms Hillgarth's inspection, ALL FIVE TENDER SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDING WADE's ARE 100% IDENTICAL
Point 9 –
Regarding the second paragraph/point, referencing the question of additional contributions by all the lessees of Mitre House , I would suggest that another meeting is held in order how much and when such funds should be raised, and held to accommodate the attendance of all leasees i.e. with a suitable period of notice and also allowing for any issues regarding a date that suits all.
No need whatsoever, if we need additional funds they will be requested in future Quarterly Demands. IT WAS all discussed at meeting on 23rd and quite straightforward - what is NOT STRAIGHTFORWARD is how Ms Hillgarth will explain to her virtual majority that having obstructed the INTERNALS since originally scheduled for September 2012 for £35,000 incl. VAT (to include lighting etc etc) and then argued Management's estimate of EXTERNALS for around £70,000 incl. vat (we HOPED, fingers crossed, a miracle if it's cor- rect etc etc) - we are now DOING BOTH INTERNALS & EXTERNALS for £105,000 incl, VAT and fees which is EXACTLY as we budgeted for in £2012 (£35,000 plus £70,000 totals £105,000) but we wasted TWO years for nothing....!
Regarding paragraph/point 3, I confirm that I will write to all the tenants of Mitre House to notify them that the contractors appointed by management is A& R Lawrence (of course once you confirm that this has indeed gone ahead, and also once I have received all the requested docu- ments above - including an amended copy of the minutes according to my points for alteration

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