Page 36 - The Big Begg_1
P. 36
Thanks, Paul
PS and do please confirm that I will only owe (the balance) of your £5000 odd fee plus ap- prox £70,000 to AR Lawrence both including vat and anything else (pre-supposing my maths is correct above) .....but no other hidden extras/fees/costs etc -
In an email to all lessees dated 15 September 2014 (previous page) you will note we mention:
“We will absorb the additional £3192 into the overall final works’ budget [£105,019] which, as has been explained by Management, we are finding various ways to cut costs so allowing non specified works (the lift, the electrics etc) to be afforded.
It is also made clear that “it will require all nine lessees to agree to absorb”
Yet further examples of MHML managing for the benefit of all lessees and further evidence of
SAVINGS in hand as opposed to having “been caught out” FURTHER REFERENCES TO SAVINGS - electrics
In an email to all lessees dated 10 August 2014:
To All Lessees:
Due to some emergency electrical works following our recent electrical report, Electri- cians will be attending Mitre House for a week and whilst various other electrical works are carried out as a further economy measure.
We regret the short notice but only became apparent on Friday 8th and best to get out of the way before major works commence on 1st September. These electrics are part of the major works budget but NOT included in the A&R Lawrence quote.
Installing two power points on each landing
Installing Emergency Lighting
Installing replacement Fire Escape lighting
Chasing in wiring for additional hallway lighting
Tidying up visible wiring on each landing where possible Replacement lighting on each floor will also be in hand
This will all involve some banging and drilling regrettably but nothing too unbearable and certainly only between the permitted hours of 8.00am - 6.30pm - still a nuisance though so please advise your tenants if appropriate.
Any complaints, queries or worries, please advise and I'll respond - but beware, they are going ahead as scheduled.
And an email to all lessees on 28 August 2014 to announce completion:
You will be relieved to know the electrical works at Mitre House are now completed and the internal scaffolding tower dismantled for a while, meaning we now have:
a_Two power points on each landing (for benefit of better cleaning equipment)