Page 37 - The Big Begg_1
P. 37
Oh really? I cannot believe even she’s so memory challenged to tell you that!
b_Emergency Lighting, both interior, exterior and on fire escape bin area to fully comply with H&S
c_Fire Escape lighting (bin area on sensors) and also dual acting as emergency as above d_Two additional hallway lighting units for two additional hallway lights (4 in total) e_Tidying up visible wiring on each landing where possible and boxing meters in hand f_Replacement new lighting on each landing (2) and hallway (4)
g_ ALL Lighting on timed adjustable sensors to work automatically requiring no manual switch on.
f_We have also installed neon lit manual switch overides in case of sensor failure/mal- function.
Some tidying up and final adjustments will be made towards the end of the scheduled works.
And item (e) above will be done this Saturday, meaning a slightly noisy morning until 1.30pm I'm afraid.
Scaffolding will begin installation around 8.30am on Sunday (31st August) - it'll be noisy, annoying and intrusive for which apologies but that's scaffolders for you - and again the following Sunday most probably. Make sure you have advised your own insurers.
Your correspondence is going from the sublime to the ridiculous. And very extensive since December 2018 with the consequence of this lengthy tôme in response to all received to date necessitating considerable repetitions as I’m having trouble keeping up with all the repetitions in your lengthy correspondence resulting in me finishing one of your letters with answers just as the second third and fourth or even fifth arrives and I start all over again with cut and paste
@@@ (see below) Thank you for your various e-mails of 7 February in which you berate me for asserting that “Neither Mrs Hillgarth, nor anyone else, requested METER CUPBOARDS, PIGEON HOLES, SIGNAGE”. You seek to demonstrate that there were a number of items in the Wade quote (which you say – incorrectly - that Mrs Hillgarth sourced ??????????) which she was effectively insisting on, and with which you felt some obligation to comply. That, as you are well aware, is a misrepresentation of what actually took place ???????????.
Mrs Hillgarth introduced Wade as a good contractor, and that is all. She never requested any particular work to be done by them. The Wade quote (as also the one supplied by Hemi) were based on information which you gave to the individual suppliers. Mrs Hillgarth never worked on any of these schedules. You were in charge of the project and you were (exclu- sively)?????????? dealing with that process. ?????????
I don’t think so? I cannot believe even she’s so memory challenged to tell you that!
Your response yet again evidences your total 100% ignorance of the facts proving yet again, despite your client’s voluminous file of correspondence, you ain’t read nor understood a damn thing? Or worse still you relied on your client’s challenged memory or patent dishonesty in pursuit of her own vendetta/witch hunt or more likely a combination of all four to include pig-ignorance?
One is reminded of Mrs Hillgarth’s other classics “I only said that because that’s what he wanted to hear”, “you choose”, “because he’d been caught out”, “will be used for something else”, “well then everybody will be happy”, “the final Wade tender includes lighting, whereas no other ten- ders do including AR Lawrence”, “cheap plastic signs (when in fact they are brass)”, “using leaseholders electricity and heating in basement office”,“can you please tell us (NOTE “us” not me?) who will be doing the refurbishment of your flat?” (this was closely followed by another lessee (Fortunati/Flat 9) saying “I’m very surprised the contractors doing the refurbishment for the communal parts will also do your flat at the same time”, and another lessee (Leigh Pember- ton/Flat 8) saying: