Page 399 - The Big Begg_1
P. 399

  Your constant animosity against me or against anyone ren0ng flat 5 will never cease to amuse anyone who read your correspondence . You have already turned down delivery from flat 5 just out of mischief ,don’t do it again . Evidences have been recorded .
It can only be put against jealousy ...... one will never change you sick mind .
Deal will builders at flat 6 . It should keep you busy for a while . No further correspondence will be relied to .
From: Graffiti Editions Ink / Designers []
Sent: 29 March 2016 18:49
To: Management; Karupiah Segar; Leoni-Sceti Maria; Riad Samya; michele Hillgarth; Gianpaolo Penna; Leigh-Pemberton Christopher; Fortunati Diego & Susanna
Subject: Mitre House - Intruders - Police Report CAD6070 (29 March 2016)
Nothing to panic about but I had to evict two highly suspicious intruders around 4.15pm today and inform Police who attended quickly to take full details.
They gained entry by pretending to have a delivery (it is not yet established who allowed them entry but possibly Flat 6’s builders) and then casually wandered around the whole building looking for unattended flats etc. They had phoney supposed Police Authorisation Cards which they thought would suffice but as I pointed out to them, they were rubbish and a try-on.
No apparent damage nor forced entry was in evidence, checked firstly by myself and then by the attending Police. We were all lucky, let alone any damage to lift and common areas out of spite.
If you or your tenants (and no worry, I have checked with Lisa Cane in Flat 8) have suffered any damage the Police CAD No: 6070 should be quoted (I can assist) with today’s date 29 March 2016.
Might I suggest, as it is becoming an ongoing concern, that any tenant or owner expecting a delivery either be in situ or make firm arrangements with a neighbour to take delivery with appropriate identification and one would think, some recompense or at least a thank you. I would be rich for all the parcels & deliveries I have been disturbed to entertain with Flat 5 being the most regular offenders.
In fact Flat 5’s weekly groceries appear now to be deposited on our front steps as myself and other residents no longer permit entry as it’s annoyingly intrusive to be constantly disturbed but would imagine it is somewhat tempting providence for strolling thieves.
Anyway, all’s well that ends well, thankfully......this time! Paul
Paul Brown-Constable / +44 207 589 7502 Mbl: +44 798 33 33 543 on behalf of the Directors of

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