Page 401 - The Big Begg_1
P. 401
While everyone is free to express its own personal taste and style in there his apartment, Communal Areas (entrance hall, stairs, internal lift, landings, walls colorЩ) should reflect a more understated style in respect of all and in accordance with current trends in the area.
While in the 1960s Chelsea was a Bohemian district, very popular with punk, hippie and emerging artists as featured in the introductory page of Paulеs briefing note, today Chelsea is a desirable and fashionable place and has become over the years a well established, elegant and exclusive area. For this reason propertiesе value has risen considerably and continues to be very strong where a contemporary Interior Design refurbishment is implemented. Today we have many examples of this classic interior design style in Chelsea, just few minutes away from us (eg. buildings in Sloane Square area). All the surroundings are characterised by a sober style fuelled by neutral colours (see attachment).
The briefing note prepared by Paul presents two work-in progress alternatives, labelled Management Suggestions and Leaseholders Suggestions.
We believe it will be clearer if those were labelled according to the style they try to achieve:
Alternative 1: defined Art Deco / Nouveau or Management Suggestions, characterised by bright colours for example pink or blue or yellow, very similar to the recently acquired dustbins, echoing the old punk-style of the 60еs
Alternative 2: defined contemporary а classic а elegant or Leaseholdersе Suggestions, characterised by elegant and classic but contemporary features with more neutral colours, which we believe would suite better Mitre House in the current environment
Before entering too much into the details, we should obviously all discuss and agree if these are the alternatives and what do we all think about them, in order to further elaborate more detailed individual quotes and specifications, giving Paul further support.
2. Multiple quotes
In order to make an informed decision we should probably have at least 2-3 quotes on paper providing not only for alternative styles, but also for alternative level of refurbishment so that we can collectively choose how much to spend depending on what we want to achieve.
None of us, we believe, want to overspend of course, but this works are carried out only every 5 to 7 years. We want to make sure we optimise the way our money are spent for both our eyes and our wallet, as certain features can create more joy and value than others. In this regard the Ѓ27,000 budget indicated in the note is attractive, but it would be interesting to understand the impact that the various items open for consultation can have on the overall budget, still with the aim of selecting the best quality/price option (eg replace lamps, add carpet, repaint, modernise lift, etc.) so that we can mix and match the favourite solution.
3. Overall timeline
As we understand how complex and tiring is to put together these quotes (and thanks again Paul for the hard work done so far) we were wondering if we should discuss the overall timing for finalising the quotes and then executing the works, so that we can all timely provide feedback, input and help Paul to achieve the overall objective of compiling alternative quotes along the style agreed.
Paul - considering that once all the alternative quotes and the details are defined a 1-month consultation period should start before the final approval is given to the project specifications, what is the estimated timing for the overall project (receiving inputs from us, finalise alternative quotes, formalise quotes, final consultation, works start, end etc.)?
We will keep sharing views and suggestions with this group to ensure we all collectively achieve a
satisfactory compromise with everyoneеs contribution, headed by our common friend and Chairman