Page 402 - The Big Begg_1
P. 402
satisfactory compromise with everyoneеs contribution, headed by our common friend and Chairman
Paul, and we hope you will all share your views as well provide your comments.
In this respect, from our side, attached are a few extra pictures that define the Contemporary а Classic а Elegant style described in the briefing note prepared by Paul, to ensure weеre all aligned on what that means and confirm we request to build more details around that.
Paul please let us know how can we more effectively provide additional detailed suggestions and ideas (eg. on interior of the lift, additional colour schemes, lighting) to minimize the entropy youеre already exposed to, due to this refurbishment project! Maybe one or two meetings all together will make it.
Again thank you Paul for all youеre doing on behalf of this group, we sincerely appreciate your tremendous effort in trying to manage this complex project in the interest and for the benefit of all 9 flatsе owners.
Look forward to exchanging further opinions with you all via email or better in person. All the best
Susanna & Diego Fortunati (flat 9)
> Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 18:43:57 +0000
> To:;;;;;;
> From:
> Subject: Mitre House Internals to one & all >
> OK - everybody should now have received the 4th Draft Internals
> Proposals - if not, it's attached. >
> That's the easy bit - now the politicking, choices, preferences,
> dislikes, opinions etc can commence as everyone is now connected via
> their emails - and the best of British luck! Paul >
> PS I have also advised Lisa in Flat 8 - but in the correct, more
> normal, more personal way - on paper.
> -- > > > >
> Graffiti Editions Limited (work) email:
> Penthouse, 4 Margaret Street, London W1W 8RF
> Telephone +44 (0)20 7631 2000 Fax +44 (0)20 7631 0123 >
> Paul Brown-Constable (home) Mobile +44 (0)7983 333543 email:
> 7 Mitre House, 124 Kings Road, London SW3 4TP Telephone +44 (0)20 7589 2764 >
> Nimal Jayasekera (home) Mobile +44 (0)7904 545373 email:
> 16 Chamberlain Place, London E17 6AY
<MITRE HOUSE REFURBISHMENT (contemporary - classic - elegant).pdf>