Page 55 - The Big Begg_1
P. 55

Had your client not caused the mayhem and sheer stupidities over affordable budgets in 2012 (our first year in charge), there would have been NO management charges whatso- ever for any year, as initially all four Directors including your client agreed to attempting. And no fees were charged for first 11 months but due to Mrs Hillgarth’s intransigence it was decided to charge as my workload was almost as much as yours appears to be representing Mrs Hillgarth.
Due entirely and only to Mrs Hillgarth’s disloyalty and deviousness Management charges of £4320 were retrospectively charged for 2012, held at £4320 for 2013 and 2014, raised to £4850 in 2015 and to £4995 in 2016/2017 [and all well below independent professional agent’s fees] and most pertinently in 2017, all lessees, including MHML’s now two Directors, and Mrs Hillgarth, were only paying £83 MORE per annum than they were paying our previous Agents, KFH, in 2011 - that’s a rise in annual outgoings of £83 per lessee per annum after SIX YEARS and having done a £105,000 major works programme leaving £16,201 in Re- serves.
In year ending 2012 there was a surplus back to lessees of £1758, in 2013 there was a surplus back to lessees of £1188, in 2015 there was a surplus back to lessees of £770 and in 2016 there was a surplus back to lessees of £510 - admittedly in 2014 there was a deficit of £1753 which I’m still ashamed of!
Hardly poor management, nor indicative of monies going missing?
It’s nothing short of a miracle I’m not accused of taking bribes and backhanders, sexual harass- ment, assassinating Kennedy and responsible for the Brexit fiasco....yes I admit, obfuscation & chaff but you deserve it causing me time and effort in pointing out ad nauseam the same re- sponses to your incessant innuendos & accusations. Now adding 2015 and 2016 Account queries which I did warn you that the answers would add yet further proof of your client’s mischief [my flat refurb].
Believe it or not, but due to your duplicity by copying in Mr Raja & Mr Karupiah (but I note never your client indicating you are either hiding from her your errors [or hers] or more likely simply ambulance chasing your unpaid fees) I was put on my honour to ignore your correspondence which was a great shame as I much enjoyed responding to your ignorant queries. Your clumsy attempt at putting my fellow conspirators against me with your scurrilous innuendos has failed miserably and only added to your frustration in representing your client’s mischiefs to little effect. As I said previously, you ain’t landed a punch yet unless, and I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, our plagiarism which of course has been proved endemic by the Seaborne Freight affair - so no big deal and was a particularly petty, spiteful and pitiful below the belt anyway? Proof perfect of puerile jealousies.
As I mentioned previously, had you spent time looking for the relevant documents both you and your client (and indeed by all accounts Mr Leigh Pemberton) so desperately wished to be advised of instead of printing off 52 pages of plagiarised T&Cs this tôme might be only a couple of pages re: your recent “forensics”.
One minute, initially, its illegal s.20 Notices, illegal workings, “stealing” (in your client’s parlance) leaseholders money, to more recently MHML, 2015 monies in and out & Benitor, and most re- cently MHML/Service Charge 2016 more monies in etc along with of course your faux pas re- garding "meter cupboards/pigeon boxes" etc.
As previously stated, I’m having trouble keeping up with the onslaught of new innuendos, queries and accusations but here’s a brave attempt to respond to most if not all, and more im- portantly make certain we are both (or all three to include your client) singing from the same hymn sheet, which I fully appreciate will result in yet another accusation of obfuscation and chaff, but what the hell, it helps me get my memories down on record allowing your memory challenged client, Mrs Hillgarth, to do same or rebuke mine? I await redemption.
To that end and to allay any further references to “who said what, when and why” does your PLEaSE rEFEr to attaCHED “ADDENDA/FURTHER REFERENCES” in SuPPort oF arguMEnt

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