Page 74 - The Big Begg_1
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suppLementArY report to CitY oF London poLiCe
and to the insoLVenCY serViCe
mitre house management limited (“mhml”) – company no: 07731341
mitre house, 124 King’s road, london sW3 4tP (“mitre house” or “the Property”) directors of mhml: Paul Brown-constable, dima international limited (Jamil raja) and segar Karupiah (resigned 29 september 2016) (together “the directors”).
ceplan Xs account for 2015 and 2016). nor had they received the bank statements for any year for mhml’s mystery account no: 25809768.
the serViCe ChArge ACCounts 2014 to dAte (june 2017) were ALL suppLied to mAunder tAYLor on 23 june 2017 And inCLuded mhmL’s ACCount no: 23433668 (the “priCepLAn xs ACCount”) For 2014
26. it is not clear what this mystery account is for. however it is clear that a number of pay- ments were made to this account from the demands account in 2015 – for example three pay- ments totalling £1,359 on 8 april 2015, a payment of £2,425 on 22 may 2015 and a payment of £1,500 on 6 october 2015. total £5,284. a transfer of £1,000 was also paid to mhml’s mystery account in 2014 out of the reserve account.
A Considered response: i suggest You reFer to Current ACCount, reserVes ACCount, serViCes & demAnds ACCount And mAnAgement’s deposit ACCount (AkA mYsterY ACCount) or it BeComes intoLerABLY CompLiCAted reFerenCing mhmL’s this ACCount & thAt ACCount whiCh inFers thAt mhmL owned ALL the monies whiCh theY didn’t sAVe For AnY monies in their own ACCount, CALLed, not mYsterY ACCount But mAnAgement’s deposit ACCount -
As preViousLY stAted Your CLient mrs hiLLgArth wAs in reCeipt oF ALL BAnk stAtements inCLuding mAnAgement’s deposit ACCount on or Around 23 mAY 2014 From August 2011 to mAY 15 2014 As weLL As hAVing CheCked BAnking ACCounts during the 23 mAY BoArd meeting As the AttAChed stAtement eVidenCes with her own hAndwriting so somewhAt surprised You Are stiLL ConFused - just Ask her For her reCoLLeCtions And pAperwork?
A Considered response: Your “example three payments totalling £1,359 on 8 april 2015, (these three were For mAnAgement’s ConsuLtAnCY inVoiCes to A CLient pAid into “demAnds’ And trAnsFerred oVer to “mYsterY ACCount” AkA mAnAge- ment’s deposit ACCount) a payment of £2,425 on 22 may 2015 (two quArter’s mAn- Agement Fees @ £4850pA) and a payment of £1,500 on 6 october 2015 (simpLY A Credit & deBit) total £5,284. a transfer of £1,000 was also paid to mhml’s mystery account in 2014 out of the reserve account. (simpLY A Credit & deBit)
27. had these deficiencies in terms of disclosure been realised at the time, an application would have been made to commit Paul Brown-constable for contempt of court. however such was the volume of paperwork disclosed at the eleventh hour that it was impossible to see the wood for the trees, and the non-disclosure was not drawn to the attention of the tribunal.
A Considered response: Yet Another threAt, mr Begg, now “Contempt oF Court?”.... But An order For disCoVerY wAs mAde For the serViCe ChArge ACCounts 2014 to dAte (june 2017) And were ALL suppLied to mAunder tAYLor on 23 june 2017 And inCLuded mhmL’s ACCount no: 23433668 (the “priCe- pLAn xs ACCount”) For 2014
Please refer to attached “Addendum/Further reFerenCes” in suPPort of argument

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