Page 76 - The Big Begg_1
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suppLementArY report to CitY oF London poLiCe
and to the insoLVenCY serViCe
mitre house management limited (“mhml”) – company no: 07731341
mitre house, 124 King’s road, london sW3 4tP (“mitre house” or “the Property”) directors of mhml: Paul Brown-constable, dima international limited (Jamil raja) and segar Karupiah (resigned 29 september 2016) (together “the directors”).
A Considered response: An order For disCoVerY wAs mAde For the serViCe ChArge ACCounts 2014 to dAte (june 2017) And were ALL suppLied to mAun- der tAYLor on 23 june 2017 And inCLuded mhmL’s ACCount no: 23433668 (the “priCepLAn xs ACCount”) For 2014
32. What we know for certain is that £72,523 of “legitimate” payments were made by mhml in respect of the refurbishment project (as to 62,010 to ar lawrence and as to £10,513 to the surveyor) but £7,418 of the total money due to ar lawrence was not actually paid until 28 Jan- uary 2015. therefore only £65,105 of “legitimate” payments that we know about were made by mhml in 2014. this means that of the £96,647 paid to mhml’s Priceplan Xs account in 2014, £31,542 presently remains unaccounted for and “invisible”.
A Considered response: £31,756.21 wAs ALso pAid out oF “the ACCounts’ As A resuLt oF sAVings mAde From the £105,019 Budget (ALL As disCussed And Agreed At the 23 mAY 2014 BoArd meeting) totALLing £31,756.21 And whiCh wAs spent/used to Fund items initiALLY Considered unAFFordABLe And Conse- quentLY were not inCLuded in the sCheduLe oF works From whiCh ALL tenders were quoted. i’m not sure whether You’re totALLY Au FAit with this AFFAir?
33. under detailed “cross-examination” in correspondence Paul Brown-constable eventu- ally admitted in writing that the sum of £31,765.21 had been charged to the leaseholders by mhml in respect of the project. a “justification” for these charges totalling £31,756.21 (oddly not totalling £31,765.21, which was the figure previously notified to us) subsequently appeared in an invoice /00014_0007 dated 31 december 2014 addressed by mhml to the service charge account. this sum was classified in the heading to the invoice as “the £31,756.21 savings made from the 22 June 2014 s 20 approved budget of £105,019”.
A Considered response: i think this needs hitting into the Long grAss For good As it’s BoringLY repetitiVe & untrue - FirstLY: it’s proBABLY A tYpo not A hAnging oFFenCe - do You wAnt A List oF Your stupidities - misquotes, wrong dAtes on emAiL reFerenCes & Letters, Asking the sAme question A dozen times despite hAVing the Answer - Credits on surVeYor/wAter tAnk/tV instALL to nAme But A soupçon?
mhmL inVoiCed the serViCe ChArge ACCount For £15,572.85 For works And Fees. £16,183.36 wAs the AggregAte Cost oF ALL other Costs And suppLies And Fitments pAid direCtLY From mhmL’s ACCount no: 23433668 (the “priCepLAn xs ACCount”) equAting to £31,756.21 in toto oF sAVings mAde And sAVings spent.
there wAs no “detailed “cross-examination” in correspondence” nor indeed is it true thAt “Paul Brown-constable eventually admitted in writing that the sum of £31,765.21 had
Please refer to attached “Addendum/Further reFerenCes” in suPPort of argument