Page 79 - The Big Begg_1
P. 79
suppLementArY report to CitY oF London poLiCe
and to the insoLVenCY serViCe
mitre house management limited (“mhml”) – company no: 07731341
mitre house, 124 King’s road, london sW3 4tP (“mitre house” or “the Property”) directors of mhml: Paul Brown-constable, dima international limited (Jamil raja) and segar Karupiah (resigned 29 september 2016) (together “the directors”).
A Considered response: more ruBBish - Agreed But Am ConFused As to “had charged £7,500 to mhml in respect of exactly the same work for which mhml had charged over double (£15,572.85) to the leaseholders. As with AnY Business trAnsACtion, the prinCipAL hAVe Costs And mY £7500 wAs A Cost to mhmL For works perFormed on their BehALF And thereFore BiLLed to the prinCipAL. the ABoVe AppeArs to inFer the serViCe ChArge wAs inVoiCed For £15,572.85 And £7500 whiCh theY were not. the BALAnCe oF £8072.85 Between the £15,572 And mY inVoiCed totAL oF £7500 were For serViCes rendered BY mhmL on BehALF oF ALL Lessees in progressing And projeCt mAnAging the £105,019 Budgeted works And For mAking sAVings (ALL As Agreed At the 23 mAY 2014 BoArd meeting) And utiLising those sAVings on the unAFFordABLe items not Costed For nor Listed in the sCheduLe oF works.
iF You BiLL mrs hiLLgArth £1000 But stiLL hAVe to pAY ‘oLe johnnY dj Arthur, sAY £500, wouLd You Consider mrs hiLLgArth insAne iF she queried whY she hAd to pAY £1000 ConsequentLY i Consider You Comment oBtuse iF not stupid?
35. as a result of the “missing” (undisclosed) bank statements there is no hard evidence as to how much money was actually paid to Paul Brown-constable personally. however in the light of the information below it seems unlikely that this was limited to £7,500.
A Considered response: i CAn ConFirm [Yes ConFirm so You CAn hAng me out to drY iF not true] thAt mY onLY ChArge And inVoiCe to mhmL For the works i perFormed during the £105,019 2014 works’ progrAmme wAs exACtLY £7,500 And no more. i stiLL reCeiVed mY [then] £7.50 per dAY though.... grAnd theFt!
36. although we do not have mhml’s Priceplan Xs account records for 2014, we do how- ever have them for 2015 and 2016. therefore what we do know is that by the start of calendar year 2015 the positive balance on the Priceplan Xs account had been reduced to only £955. therefore if one assumes that at the beginning of 2014 the Priceplan Xs account was not over- drawn, mhml must have spent at least £95,692 out of the account in the course of 2014. in the context of the civil proceedings which are taking place in parallel, an order for specific discovery of the Priceplan Xs bank account records for 2014 will be sought to ascertain exactly who was paid what in 2014 out of the Priceplan Xs account.
A Considered response: An order For disCoVerY wAs mAde For the serViCe ChArge ACCounts 2014 to dAte (june 2017) And were ALL suppLied to mAun- der tAYLor on 23 june 2017 And inCLuded mhmL’s ACCount no: 23433668 (the “priCepLAn xs ACCount”) For 2014
transactions in 2015 – unexplained payments made by paul Brown-Constable to mhmL
37. on several occasions in 2015 payments were unaccountably made by Paul Brown-con- stable into the mhml lloyds Bank demands account no: 23434068. four of these (£900 paid on each of 9 January, 12 march, 17 July and 5 october) and some of the smaller payments are clearly normal payments of service charge, as similar payments are also made by other lease- holders.
Please refer to attached “Addendum/Further reFerenCes” in suPPort of argument