Page 81 - The Big Begg_1
P. 81
suppLementArY report to CitY oF London poLiCe
and to the insoLVenCY serViCe
mitre house management limited (“mhml”) – company no: 07731341
mitre house, 124 King’s road, london sW3 4tP (“mitre house” or “the Property”) directors of mhml: Paul Brown-constable, dima international limited (Jamil raja) and segar Karupiah (resigned 29 september 2016) (together “the directors”).
42. on 21 december 2015 the sum of £5,332.35 was paid into the reserve account from mhml’s demands accounts. then in the course of 2016 further payments were received into the leaseholders’ reserve account made mostly (as to around £18,127) from mhml’s de- mands account, but also (as to around £5,425) from the mystery account no: 25809768, plus a direct payment of £800 made by Paul Brown-constable personally. the total of these payments into the reserve account (£29,684) broadly reflect the sum of £29,776 which had been paid into mhml accounts in the previous year by Paul Brown-constable.
A Considered response: wow thAts jumping the gun A Bit mr Begg - CreAtiVe ACCounting or simpLY the normAL trAnsFer From Funds reCeiVed From Lessees into the demAnds ACCount oVer to the reserVes ACCount pLus AnY ArreArs or outstAnding Amounts - strAightForwArd housekeeping?
43. moreover the payments of £5,425 made in 2016 to the reserve account from the mystery account seem to roughly balance the payments of £5,284 which in 2015 had been made in the opposite direction (ie from the reserve account into the mystery account).
A Considered response: wow thAts jumping the gun A Bit AgAin mr Begg - £5425 were simpLY ArreArs pAid oVer to the reserVe ACCount ALong with £800 pAid in error BY the Looks oF it BY mYseLF.
i CAnnot ConFirm or denY or expLAin the “£5,284 which in 2015 had been made in the opposite direction (ie from the reserve account into the mystery account)” As i CAnnot reCALL or trACe it?
i think You Are reFerenCing Your (26) ABoVe nAmeLY: it is not clear what this mystery account is for (it is mAnAgement’s deposit ACCount). however it is clear that a number of payments were made to this account from the demands account in 2015 – for example three payments totalling £1,359 on 8 april 2015, a payment of £2,425 on 22 may 2015 and a payment of £1,500 on 6 october 2015. total £5,284. a transfer of £1,000 was also paid to mhml’s mys- tery account in 2014 out of the reserve account.
Add that to my typo and your multiple errors? or just repititious - what’s new?
A Considered response: for example three payments totalling £1,359 on 8 april 2015, (these three were For mAnAgement’s ConsuLtAnCY inVoiCes to A CLient pAid into “demAnds’ And trAnsFerred oVer to “mYsterY ACCount” AkA mAnAge- ment’s deposit ACCount) a payment of £2,425 on 22 may 2015 (two quArter’s mAn- Agement Fees @ £4850pA) and a payment of £1,500 on 6 october 2015 (simpLY A Credit & deBit) total £5,284. a transfer of £1,000 was also paid to mhml’s mystery account in 2014 out of the reserve account. (simpLY A Credit & deBit)
44. and it is self-evident that the payments totalling £23,459 made (from 21 december 2015 onwards) to the reserve account from the demands account could only have been financed from the payments which had been made into the demands account in 2015 by Paul Brown-constable.
Please refer to attached “Addendum/Further reFerenCes” in suPPort of argument