Page 82 - The Big Begg_1
P. 82
suppLementArY report to CitY oF London poLiCe
and to the insoLVenCY serViCe
mitre house management limited (“mhml”) – company no: 07731341
mitre house, 124 King’s road, london sW3 4tP (“mitre house” or “the Property”) directors of mhml: Paul Brown-constable, dima international limited (Jamil raja) and segar Karupiah (resigned 29 september 2016) (together “the directors”).
A Considered response: i don’t FoLLow this ConCLusion? quArterLY demAnds were sureLY stiLL Being reCeiVed And stored in demAnds AwAiting trAnsFer to either Current ACCount to pAY BiLLs or to reserVes? how the heLL CouLd i hAVe A) stoLen moneY when i pAid in £30k odd And B) then Be ACCused oF pAYing the stoLen moneY BACk - either i’m missing something or You’re ConFused ?
45. there is no obvious reason why any credits at all should have been due to the reserve account at that time, or at all. these unexplained credits to the reserve account, which in- cluded a personal payment of £800 from Paul Brown-constable, totalled £29,684. and curi- ously ten of these payments were all made on the same day - on 5 april 2016.
A Considered response: You must think i did the hAtton gArden joB? But iVe got An ALiBi For 5 ApriL 2016 As i wAs FrAntiCALLY writing Letters to You re this whoLe pAthetiC AFFAir And FAr too BusY to Be FiddLing the Books
46. this reimbursement to reserves on 5 april 2016 may not be entirely unrelated to the fact that on 23 march 2016 a detailed and formal solicitor’s letter had been sent to Paul Brown- constable, on behalf of michele hillgarth, demanding to know how the “reserves utilised” (per the 2014 service charge accounts) amounting to £105,877 had actually been spent, and making studied references to the fraud act 2006 and its consequences. that letter had demanded to know, if the whole of this sum of £105,877 had not been paid to a&r lawrence & sons ltd, to whom had it been paid?
A Considered response: reserVes utiLised AgAin - iF onLY those 13 inVoiCes hAd gone oVer to You on 1st ApriL... mrs h wouLd hAVe sAVed A Fortune, But You’d hAVe A Lost A smALL Fortune And i’d Be stuCk on £10 A dAY [2016] And stiLL suppLementing thAt BY purLoining LeAsehoLders monies, inCLuding mine, on, BY ALL ACCounts iF Your Figures Are AnYthing to go BY, An industriAL sCALe.
Your 23 mArCh 2016 ContAined one heLLuVA Lot more thAn A simpLe two Line reserVes utiLised querY inCLuding A pACk oF Lies [pArA 73] witness stAtement, BAsement, mY FLAt, LiBeLLous ACCusAtions suBsequentLY reported to third pArties despite deniALs And prooF oF deniALs etC
47. another curious feature which appears from the banking records is that a total of £9,100 was paid in the course of 2015 from mhml’s Priceplan Xs account no: 23433668 to:
undisclosed suppliers
ryszard Wajda £600 on 22 may 2015 £600 on 26 may 2015
£750 on 2 June 2015
£784.91 on 12 June 2015
£44.52 on 15 June 2015 £35 on 16 June 2015 £1,200 on 24 June 2015
Please refer to attached “Addendum/Further reFerenCes” in suPPort of argument