Page 37 - Fujifilm Exposure_26 Jack Cardiff BSC_ok
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                                                    Indian summer, wholeheartedly agrees that McEwan wrote “a fabulously kinetic and exciting opening to his book... which is why we are here with about every cinematic toy imaginable trying to match Ian’s vivid writing.”
But, they have, he admitted, “made some big changes to the book. We have kept the gist of the balloon acci- dent but by his own admission, Ian did no balloon research at all so we have had to make some adjustments there. We’ve also changed Sam Morton’s character’s name and what she does. In the book she was a Keats’ scholar; now we’ve made her a sculptor. There are a number of new characters invented for the film, too.
“We have a wonderful cast includ- ing Bill Nighy, Susan Lynch, Helen McCrory, Andrew Lincoln and Corin Redgrave. With his reputation, Roger [Michell] has, as you can imagine, quite a large address book for actors!”
Loader has been involved on-and-off with Enduring Love even before publica- tion when he first acquired the rights. “I then lost them for a while then started it all over again with Roger about two years ago. He was working with Joe Penhall at the time on Blue/Orange, and this is obviously prime Penhall territo- ry: what it’s like to live with madness, marital relationships, obsession, the nature of love... all wrapped up in a rather taut bundle of narrative.”
continued over
Photos l-r:
Enduring Love Director, Roger Michell; Daniel Craig and Rhys Ifans;
DP Haris Zambarloukos with Camera Operator Simon Baker and crew on location in the Chilterns
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in production

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