P. 110
I have been made aware that you are now in the process of showing your flat for sub-
letting since your previous tenant, Ms. Cheever, vacated at Easter.
As such, I would advise you of your stated lease obligations, namely:
1) (Page 12, sub-section 15.1.2) you apply to MHML for permission to Sub-Let and supply the required details of any new tenant as outlined in the Licence.
There is also a fee of £40.50 for the servicing of your application.
2) (Page 13, sub-section 24) you adequately close carpet your premises as required in your Lease most especially when sub-let.
3) (Page 11, sub-section 13) you note the restriction of sub-letting only to a members of a single family unit, not sharers.
No doubt you will refer to the other restriction of no trade or business to be carried out with reference to MHML. Secretarial is NOT considered a trade or business in this instance.
I would finally advise that any Tenancy Agreement entered into by you without having complied with the points above will be considered both invalid and illegal.
I look forward to your confirmation and application for a Licence as well as payment for the outstanding RTM Invoice for £2582.74 which is noted you are refusing to acknowledge or pay as you consider it inappropriate, illegitimate and ill-timed. I can assure you it is valid and must be paid unless your legal right of referral to the LVT for their consideration given the circumstances has decided otherwise.
And we still await comment/explanation re: MARTA and how Capita/Richard Farndale contacted you without you referring it back to MHML
Segar Karupiah
Director - Mitre House Management Limited
Any problems with the attached 6 pdf files, let me know, L'Amour, Paul x