P. 111

 From: Mitre House Management Ltd Subject: Re: Today June 30th (12.30pm) Rendezvous
Date: 1 July 2014 at 18:41
Bcc: Karupiah Segar Michele -
Don't push your luck - I have explained that whatever you wish to peruse, check etc will be made available to you ONCE THE EXTERNALS/INTERNALS are completed -
The reason is SIMPLE - I am far too occupied to deal with what will most likely be a summer of queries, complaints and requests from you for yet more information, explanations, what's this for, what's this invoice, where's this invoice etc etc once you start perusing bank statements, accounts etc etc - I have neither the time nor the patience until the end of the year when you will be supplied with everything right up to date. AND I will have all the time in the world to deal with any query, I promise.
First it was the meetings, then the bank statements, now it's the invoices - it just never ends with you I'm afraid. It'll take you until the end of the year to peruse and query the 32 months of bank statements, so get your note book out.
No more please or I will revert to a generic reply in response to any query before the works are completed.
At least France beat Nigeria - formidable!
On 1 Jul 2014, at 17:33, Michel Hillgarth <> wrote:
Paul I would like to come tomorrow morning between 10 h00 and 12.00 to have a look at the invoices with the book keeping. Hopefully this time schedule will not interfere with your lunch time . Or if you prefer I can just take them away down to y flat so I do not intrude in your premises?
Best Michele
From: Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers [] Sent: 30 June 2014 12:54
To: <>
Subject: Re: Today June 30th (12.30pm) Rendezvous
Excellent idea - but not until the works are completed mid November latest - then we'll have all the 2014 (almost) paperwork to hand including if course the works bills, expenses, fees etc making one whole day and two nights a worthwhile procedure - bring your nightie...
Love and luck to us both till then but don't worry all is well in hand and in good order save for your obligations.... They must be addressed please.
And please, Michele, even an elderly Concierge gets a couple if hours over lunch, but I do agree that running a management is not a part time job. That's why it's run so well because, save for a three hour lunch, I'm here 21 hours a day on 58p per hour!!! It just about pays for a very small glass of Bandol at my favourite Parisienne haunt, Thoumieux.... But who pays the Eurostar? And where do we stay!!!
Amour, Paul
Paul Brown-Constable Graffiti Editions Ink Suite 7, Mitre House
124 Kings Road
London SW3 4TP
Mbl: 07983333543

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