P. 113
From: Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers Subject: Mitre House - New Year update
Date: 3 January 2015 at 20:37
To:, Karupiah Segar, Leoni-Sceti Maria,
Riad Samya, michele Hillgarth, Jamil Raja, Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers, Leigh-Pemberton Christopher, Fortunati Diego & Susanna
Wishing everybody a Happy New Year, made all the better by our newly renovated and builder’s free Mitre House, on or near budget*, way behind schedule** - but done and dusted for the next seven years!
In response to the NON requirement of an Entryphone Video System (extraordinary decision?) we attach a slightly revised BUDGET FOR 2015. You will note Entryphone has reverted back to £250 as opposed to £1150, Fire Equipment Maintenance & Repairs is revised UP to £875 (from £375) and Health & Safety Assessments is revised UP to £1550 (from £1150).
These small adjustments do NOT affect the recently presented December 25th Quarterly Demands despite some Lessees’ comments to the contrary. Surprisingly made by those very same Lessees who had previously complained of poor maintenance and lack of Reserves.
Management consider comments as those received from some Lessees regarding a requirement of a revised Quarterly totally reprehensible in the extreme. It evidences the accusatory and disruptive nature of these same Lessees and Management suggest that after three years of constant bickering including a failed and imbecilic RTM application, they now desist and accept the situation that Management are more than proficient and professional to adequately run and maintain Mitre House with or without their co-operation.
As regards comments as to better maintenance of Mitre House, we are following the old property adage of Location, Location, Location but relevant to the new Mitre House will be Better Cleaning, Better Cared for and Better Managed - all of which is well reflected in the 2015 Budget.
* Full Works Budget & Costs will be advised to Lessees once the YE2014 Annual Accounts are prepared by latest 15th March 2015.
** There are certain other small miscellaneous cosmetic works & improvements which Management will be attending to in 2015 once the weather improves at minimal cost to the service charge account. And of course please advise Management of any bits and bobs you notice as having been overlooked or still need attending to. Our sincere apologies go to Flat 5 for having drilled a hole into their bathroom wall causing damage which is very regrettable and will be repaired at no cost to Flat 5. The only collateral damage we have been made aware of to date.
New Lessee front door mats (along with other additional ones) have been supplied/suggested to keep a uniform look to the common areas. Waste of time really seeing as the actual front doors are in such a miserable state. If you require your old mat back, please request, as it will be stored for 30 days. If you do not want/like the newly supplied mat, please notify us and we will remove it and return your original.
Management would still implore you to reconsider your unloved front doors and cough up the £385 to have them smartly renovated with new furniture. We’ll even offer a 15% discount to the first nine applicants as a gesture of good Management. (Flats 2, 6 and 7 are having their front doors renovated and Flat 3 also showed interest).
The place was left absolutely filthy by the departing contractors (your choice we would remind you) and still needs a thorough and extensive clean from top to bottom, including the floor and all windows - all of which will be attended to in the coming days/weeks... mid winter is not the easiest time to work in such a cold but thankfully colourful environment as things take so long to dry and a lot of water and scrubbing is what’s required....anybody know any scrubbers for hire?
!st and 2nd Floor still have white pipe-works as opposed to the gold everywhere else. On their say-so, a suitable colour of their choosing will be applied. If no comment is received, they will be gilded (Gold) match the other decor throughout.
In the meantime we await your comments and one hopes grateful thanks for Management’s very successful husbandry of the recent Works and the £105,019 Budget which we are sure you will appreciate has many added value items included for the benefit of all Lessees, both resident and absentee and their tenants. It is totally inconceivable that the recent improvements can have done anything else other than to have substantially improved both the value and marketability of all Lessee properties.
The proof of the pudding will be comments from Sales & Lettings Agents...! And you never know, we might attract back a more typically Chelsea artistic and creative clientele as opposed to just finance & banking. Those Lessees sub-letting will be pleased to know that ALL their tenants are very content, if not very impressed, with the new look with not one single negative comment. In other words, those that live here as home love the new decor. We await comments from those that don’t....!