P. 118
From: Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers Subject: Michel History Final
Date: 8 June 2014 15:08 To:
Dear Michele -
I am now concentrating on final arrangements for the Internals/Externals commencing on 1st September and can offer no further comment nor time on any other matter.
You have been advised in detail on each and every query you've raised since 14th July 2011 (The Auction) and that should be sufficient.
The bottom line is simplicity itself - you have simply wasted two years in arguing, the failed RTM, misleading other Lessees and being thoroughly disloyal and disrespectful to your fellow Directors.
The facts, figures, situations etc listed below are all true (save for any obvious errors on my part) and please note that I have on file the relevant correspondence to evidence each and every bullet point below.
As has previously been mentioned innumerable times, your constant complaining, and indeed total misunderstandings of the running of Mitre House, almost identical to the same numerous complaints you made to previous our Agents and, since we took over, almost exactly same grievances to present management. If you recall, you threatened both Haywards (Gavin Owen) and KFH with an RTM etc.
This is a fully comprehensive outline of the entire history since 2008 which hopefully brings closure to further complaints.
• (Pre and post 2008)
• We experienced the exact same Internals problem as currently when you requested of KFH in 2008 to get a quote from your preferred contractor STOPPS.
• You could not comprehend that STOPPS were required to quote to the exact same Surveyor specifications as other tenders.
• You will also recall that STOPPS quote was far higher than the cheapest sourced by KFH. Exact same situation re: WADE currently.
• Not unlike WADE's quote totalling £219,000 incl.vat and fees versus our cheapest quote (A&R Lawrence) for £105,000 incl. vat and fees.
• Despite requests from previous Agents to close carpet your wooden floor, you have not despite it being a lease requirement most especially if sub-letting.
• Your lease also requires permission to sub-let, can only be let to a single family unit, ie not sharing, permission to make certain alterations and no animals permitted.
• You will recall you instructed previous Agents to not give out your contact details to Mitre House residents & Resident Assoc members.
• You will recall you vetoed the Sky Dish installation resulting in it having to be cancelled as it required 100% approval by all Lessees. The same rule applies today.
• You will recall you were advised three times to make contact with the Resident's Association as opposed to constantly complaining to our Agents about decisions in hand.
• Pre-Auction (2011)
• You suggested we use your Solicitors (Forsters) for £10,000 plus. We used mine for £2500. Subsequently you used mine for personal affairs.
• Despite a very simple process, due to your obstinance in not following simple requests, and being abroad, we had to arrange everything in your absence
• You also advised that Lease Extensions could be done via Dorringtons (our previous Head Lease holding company). That advice was incorrect.
• We advised that only the Freeholder (Royal London) could issue a Lease Extension.
• You correctly pointed out via your own surveyor, (Courtney Manton) that we could not purchase the Freehold as the commercial element was in excess of 25%
• Somewhat bizarrely, you still instigated an RTM (later in 2013) despite knowing of the 25% exempt restriction.
•Post-Auction (2011)
• Again, you were often abroad and we again were left to organise and arrange everything, company formation, banking etc
• Despite a very simple process, due to your obstinance in not following simple requests, the whole episode became very time-consuming.
• Whilst you were abroad we organised many aspects including a significant reduction in Quarterly Demands