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 • You persisted in requesting further facts and information that simply did not exist. Nothing you were told was fully comprehended or appreciated as correct.
• (2014) The Internals & Externals
• You organised an RTM with four other Lessees in June 2013 without resigning as a Director of Mitre House Management
• Section 20 notice (21 June 2013) was requested by your RTM Solicitors to be aborted which further delayed the Internals
• You contacted our (my) Solicitors requesting them to no longer represent Mitre House Management Limited as you had utilised their services for personal Lease Extension
• You also contacted our Freeholder's Agents, Capita, with we believe some libellous comments, who in turn contacted Management for further comment and clarification (Bill Allen)
• You continued to insist that a £60,000 budget be allocated for Internals and WADE be the contractor
• You queried Management's Surveyor's Specifications, procedures and paperwork re: Internals, Section 20 notices etc
• You were sent documents which you denied receipt of on numerous occasions.
• You were sent documents which you quite obviously had not bothered to read on numerous occasions, resulting in yet more erroneous accusations and requests.
• Management permitted you to request of WADE to tender to the same specifications as other tenders received, despite being well out of time.
• WADE's quote was double our cheapest quote and like your STOPPS quote in 2008, was totally unaffordable.
• A Board Meeting was called for 23 May 2014 to discuss all tenders/quotes and many other items over a very extensive 7 hour period
• Minutes were prepared and your recent comments again evidence that simply you do not understand the processes involved.
• Your comment that WADE's quote was done to different specifications than our five other tenders. I refer to your comment on Lighting/electrics.
• You were advised in an email by return (6th June 2014) that none of the tenders included Light/Electrics.
• Had you properly perused our Surveyors Specifications you would have appreciated that fact.
• I would advise you to further peruse our Surveyor's Specifications for Internals/Externals dated December 2013
• Management would advise you to further peruse and read carefully our Surveyor's Specifications for Internals/Externals dated December 2013
• So you can see exactly what works are included in the Internals/Externals schedule and the other quotes received including the cheapest quote of £105,000 incl. vat & fees from A&R Lawrence
• Your most recent complaints pertain to again our non-compliance over Board Meetings/ documentation, as first mooted via your RTM Solicitors and again by your Insurers, ScotsGroup.
• It was hoped that the most recent Board Meeting on 23 May 2014 resolved most if not all queries as whatever you wished to peruse was made available including the Minutes Log.
• I advised that all was on file as required to be at our Registered Office (our Accountants) and I had been supplied that same morning with a pdf they hold (and variously updated by me) which I would forward to you.
• This I did on Monday 2 June having waited to hear back from both you (re Minutes) and Dima Intl (re Minutes). I did not hear from you, but attached Dima's reply with the pdf of all Company docs incl.Minutes.
• I also requested some information on a problem you had been made aware of by Capita/Richard Farndale re: MARTA retail on ground floor, as indeed had our old Solicitors, Rose & Rose which was embarrassing.
• I heard nothing back from you until your email of 6th June 2014, stating you had not received the Company Docs I sent you on 2 June, and no mention of the Capita query. I replied by return stating the obvious. IT WAS SENT.
•Where we go from here/23rd May 2014 Board Meeting
• No further comment or referral will be made by MHML to any Lessee on Internals/Externals (unless legally obliged to do so)
• You please acknowledge all emails sent to you even with a simple X within 24 hours. Failing which it is impossible to know if it has been received.
• There be no further discussion with any Lessee as regards Internals/Externals budgets. A&R Lawrence will be retained for a max budget of £105,000 incl vat & fees
• Once colours for Internals/Externals are finalised, you will be advised for comment/consideration only, prior to their application.

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