P. 122
• Without a shadow of a doubt, the mischief caused by you and some fellow Lessees has delayed the Internals (and seriously jeopardised our Head Lease obligations),.
• This delay has caused the Internals & Externals to run concurrently and significantly reduced our (and yours) various proposed Internal workings from those originally proposed by Management (in both the original £27,000 and £35,000 budgets) in mid 2012, let alone your two original WADE quotes for £60,000 (3 July 2012 & 23 January 2013)
• It is now quite obvious that you have not represented Mitre House Management in the way your fellow Directors have done and have disagreed with almost every decision, proposal, idea or comment since day one.
• You were paid £2950.70 on 30 June 2013 which fully reimbursed your total outlay share in the Auction process (£2170) plus £780.90 meaning a small profit to date with very little or no input or assistance
• Your fellow Directors received £3235.70 plus £780.90. The reason being that they had all paid an additional £285 which you stubbornly refused to pay despite being advised it would be reimbursed.
• During 2014 you and your fellow Directors will be receiving a minimum £2750 payout, meaning you will have doubled your investment in two years.
• We are hopeful that we do not face the same situation over the previously non paid £285 as regards the RTM invoice for fees and costs incurred by your fellow Directors of Mitre House Management Ltd.
• As has been well advised to you, the responsibility for payment of this RTM invoice (£2582.74) is yours as a Director of Mitre House RTM Co. Ltd from which you should request of your fellow RTM participants their share.
• Do please note that the proceeds of this £2582.74 RTM invoice will go to Management's Bank account and as a Director (of MHML) you will, like your fellow Directors of MHML be in receipt of 25% after tax etc in due course.
• Which helps to answer your accusation that you have not been kept informed of certain aspects.
• I can confirm after having trawled through multiple, still accessible, emails re: Mitre House, that you were informed of anything relevant, required to be, of interest, in reply to queries, etc etc. In detail and at length.
• Finally and somewhat topical seeing as we've just celebrated the D-Day landings and the liberation of France, history books well evidence the contrariness of General Charles De Gaulle.
• Due to his well documented complaining and disagreeing about everything after the capitulation of France, his US & UK hosts dared not inform him of the landings until 4 hours before.
• He is infamously on record as telling Eisenhower that the plan was flawed...! I dare not tell you Churchill's and Monty's disbelieving comment, save to say it somewhat reflected many of mine. "C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?"
• There is almost ZERO above that you have not been advised of previously, many times. • No further discussions will be entertained until Internals & Externals are completed.
• 6th June 2014 - D-Day
Paul Brown-Constable / +44 207 589 7502 Mbl: +44 798 33 33 543 on behalf of the Directors of
7 Mitre House / 124 Kings Road / Chelsea / London SW3 4TP / email:
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