P. 124

Finally, the way Directors run a business in their business so long as some legal requirements are adhered to, like accounts submitted on time, doing their duty, voting a majority decision on decisions and following legally required documentation all of which we have done as the 160pp PDF I sent you well evidences. What you are complaining about is that we haven't done it your way because as has been stated you made clear you were not available, too busy, abroad, disagreed with everything suggested and to cap it all, displayed your disloyalty in an RTM application without resigning as a director from MHML.
I am NOT obliged to send anything as regards board meetings. I am obliged to keep you (and Segar/Jamil) informed which as I've told you I do & did with both Segar & Jamil with whom I have a cordial, friendly, helpful and fruitful relationship as evidenced in our frequent texting & phoning and indeed emailing. You are also informed advised etc but either deny receipt or take ages to respond and when you do respond it's always in the negative, accusatory, misunderstood or maliciously mischievous.
Your ignorance of company law is lamentable as is your idea of good economics/value/bargains etc - EVERYTHING you have suggested to date has been DOUBLE that of other quotes: STOPPS, FORSTERS, WADE, even your lease extension which Segar and I did at half your costs two years later!!!! AND YES, I can prove every one of those examples listed...
You would owe MHML the fees charged even if your RTM had succeeded. Look up the law. And your quite ludicrous assumption that the RTM was due to Management's incompetence is in my opinion slanderous. The RTM came about because of your antipathy towards me. No other reason.
I will not be contacting AXA (I thought it was Scottsgroup) - just who do you think you are expecting me to sort your affairs via third parties.
Your second email at 5.39pm is as I said, the final straw. Now you are disagreeing (yet again, as usual, par for the course, as on record etc etc) with our choice of cheapest contractor Benitor - and causing mischief as usual by copying ALL LESSEES - just what is your problem with saving money?
The rest of this (AND THE ATTACHED PDF) I had ready in case you persisted in your constant attacks on me personally and your fellow Directors as regards their competence and business manner.
Your two recent emails evidence this persistence and as such you are to receive what Segar, Jamil and I consider to be a very fair outline of what we have had to put up with you as a Director of MHML, but worst still, as an absentee neighbour/lessee at Mitre House, with one thought in mind, the income to be gained from Flat 5. You care about nothing else or no one else save maybe for your failed fellow conspirators of the RTM whom you totally misled and misinformed from day one.
I fully appreciate your frustration regarding meetings etc but as has been explained, running a business is a 24/7 process most especially a Management Company such as what we have for Mitre House.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that has been agreed or discussed that affects you

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