P. 123
From: Michel Hillgarth Subject: RE: Mitre House - End Of The Affair
Date: 20 June 2014 at 16:25
To: Mitre House Management Ltd, Paul Constable
Cc: Segar Karupiah, Jamil Raja Paul ,
Stop implying I was abroad or not available or too busy and disagree with everything just to suit your various arguments , it does not work anybody can see through this .
I and 5 others leases disagree with your conduct ,anything you do is to suit yourself and I will not repeat it .
Stick to the points addressed instead of diluting your reply to avoid the answer as a good politician . Nothing is mischief about my request and stop pretending you are a martyr.
As you know fully well I am away in August so very conveniently you choose to have your board meetings at that time ! At least I don’t disappear for months to the far East without given a contact number.......
Your foul language over the years speaks for itself .This email is a perfect example of going round in circle to achieve nothing instead of sending the documents requested . I note you are refusing to send me the board meeting notifications to the other directors.
Finally let me tell you I do receive emails when they are sent to me . Regards
From: Mitre House Management Ltd [] Sent: 19 June 2014 18:59
To: michele Hillgarth
Cc: Karupiah Segar; Jamil Raja
Subject: Mitre House - End Of The Affair Dear Michele -
Thank you for yet more queries and, in my opinion, the straw that's finally broken the camel's back - your comment re: Benitor etc
Your first of two emails at 5.35pm today refers again to emails, meetings RTM etc -
Your comments are again noted as they were at our meeting (it was NOT an AGM, it was a simple board meeting). We could argue until the cows come home. You were advised. Might I suggest you simply list ALL items in the FOUR minutes that were discussed that YOU NOW DISAGREE with and maybe we can oblige, but it will be very interesting to actually be advised of WHAT YOU DISAGREE WITH in anything in the FOUR MINUTES to date.... please advise, but be very aware that I have reams of old correspondence to back up various points discussed with you about most if not all points discussed at the FOUR board meetings you so adamantly disagree with by all accounts.
Now we have accusations of anomalies in copy emails etc - that's a new one!!!