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availability of all documents available for all to peruse in detail on the website. This email reply adequately covers all points in Flat 5's email of 30 January and to those that agreed with their analysis of the current situation at Mitre House; a situation endured since 13 June 2011, the date of your first meeting and yet again on 20 November 2012 and their subsequent cause and effects - total meltdown of neighbourliness and an 18 month delay in doing the Internals for initially £27,000, then £35,000 etc etc.
And the £35,000 incl. vat was to do very nearly everything that Wade's quote (not all their extras) included.
"Blame it on the bins
...." Because all discontent can be traced back to one Lessee's insistence that a consultation, a vote, a discussion. a debate, the views of all Lessees should have been undertaken on style and cost of £150 worth of new dustbins prior to Management going ahead with the purchase.
Had we consulted Lessees on Dustbins, experience to date would indicate we'd have been arguing over majorities, with meetings, alternative quotes, reams of emails, what colour, size, and cost and in truth....we'd still be waiting for them as we are now in getting anything done without the usual suspects disliking everything & anything. Dustbins included. Flat 4 had requested a Dustbin from Kinleigh's (previous Agent) and is on record as having waited... waited.... waited!
I personally had to buy one myself for third floor in 2004 costing £80
This contrary and combative attitude, opinion and thinking indicates a serious misunderstanding and ignorance of English law most notably the Landlord & Tenant Act(s). Something Management suggests this Lessee and others with the same opinions seek professional legal advice as to their rights (or not) and cease troubling Management and indeed other Lessees with their ignorant, misinformed and maliciously mischievous inane comments, requests and accusations.
Constant repeat and duplicate emails are a nuisance, usually irrelevant, time-wasting, impertinent (can you imagine requesting of an Agent where they bank and who signs the cheques?) and generally ridiculous requests for the same information, week in, week out, for months, if not years in the case of Flat 5 with Flat 9 catching up at an alarming rate after only three or four years in situ. Previous Agents were also bombarded in the same fashion, and even if Management stepped aside, the new Agents would soon be in the firing line.
Nobody would buy a flat at Mitre House once they read the upsets, dislikes, neighbourly disputes & problems etc etc which by law has to be included on a form requested by the purchaser's Solicitors - so bear that in mind if you're hoping to sell. The Internal Decor is the least of your problems.
As regards Flat 9, might we suggest you spend less time harassing Management and pay more attention to maintaining your gas appliances, which Management are reliably informed by British Gas, required a recent termination of the supply as your equipment was in a dangerously faulty condition and as such placed all the residents of Mitre House at risk. You are also advised that no Licence To Sublet has been applied for by Flat 9. This recent gas situation is a prima facie example of why a Licence is a necessity to substantiate that all legal requirements for sub-letting flats legally and safely are in place, including amongst others, a legally required Gas Safety Certificate.
We would also advise Flat 9 that the Common parts are the sole responsibility of the Head Lessee (Management) to do with as they think fit as laid out quite clearly in the Head Lease and with full approval from our Freeholder, Royal London, and Lessees have no legal rights nor referral as to how they are maintained and decorated so long as they are at all times fully serviced, cleaned and repaired when and where required. Democracy is a privilege and not a right when the maintenance of Mitre House is being amply served by Management and will continue to be serviced without further referral until such time as common sense returns to those Lessees intent on making life difficult and expensive for some of their other resident Lessees, including three of Management's Directors.
Items on display at Mitre House do not reflect the final decor look and feel but are in situ to give an idea of how the final communal areas & decor can be made attractive. Had the Internals gone ahead on schedule in 2012 these same items and others would be used to far better effect in the newly decorated interior, as opposed to the way they look now in the admittedly, drab, cold and unloved common parts. That's why they're called common!
Management do though, take a very dim view of the comment by some Lessees that Christmas decorations (a Christmas tree) were not to be displayed. Tell that to the Sloane Club! Or even, God forbid, any West End Hotel.... department store, Mansion block, Police Stations, Churches and even the odd Synagogue and Mosque, not forgetting the Buddhist temples sprinkled around the UK. All in all a thoroughly contentious and unpleasant comment by those that made it and Management can safely assure you it will be ignored.
Reference to Service Charges and Reserves is also ill-informed. The funds in place for both servicing and major works are not a communal Lessees private bank account for them to do as they wish but for Management (Head Lessee) to appropriate wisely and economically for the benefit of all Lessees, be they in situ for 3 days or 30 years. The only occasion when funds can be considered 100% communal is when 100% of Lessees agree to have those funds appropriated in the manner they deem fit. Like a Communal Satellite Dish or a £60,000 plus budget for Internals.