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And 100% is not, eight flats nor, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1, when there are NINE Lessees - so please, no more wittering on about a majority wanting this and that. Indeed there is no majority on anything by all accounts so let's have no more comment until such time as there is a proper, democratic, sane majority for certain aspects, such as a Communal Dish, which Management will invite your comments on. The chances are zero if present conditions and attitudes persist.
As to the accusation that the value of property at Mitre House is jeopardised by it's scruffy, unloved, drab and dirty interior, that hardly holds water seeing as flats are changing hands for upwards of £850,000 and rental values are around £600+ per week, so a £60,000 refurb is hardly going to send those prices through the roof overnight just because the floor has had an £18,000 clean and the lift car has a mirror in it...!
We do though agree, rental values would creep up a bit if a small fortune was spent on the internals, so we'd say to the sub-letters, spend some of your receipts on jazzing up the place, if only on your own tacky, old, original and tarnished front doors and brassware furniture which are nothing short of a disgrace in some instances, the exception being Flats 1 and 9 who have at least replaced their old for new.
The does have some very interesting information re: house/flat/rental prices in and around Mitre House, and the most recent Research indicates a tumbling of rental receipts (down 7.6%) and house/flat prices only gaining 3.9%, the lowest in Prime areas, Knightsbridge etc
This email is not written to blame or isolate or even influence Flats 1, 4 and 8 but to make certain they can now, hopefully, fully understand exactly what the two sides, and background, of the argument really has been to date now they are party to the above information (and as previously stated, information, contact and advice given to Flat 1 to date has been totally one sided and in our view, as previously stated, verging on the criminal) as regards the running of Mitre House professionally, sensibly and economically.
We consider that Flats 3, 5 and 9 have totally misguided opinions and an alarming ignorance of both their's and Management' rights under the Landlord & Tenant Act(s) but we do still respect their views, considering them totally misguided and irrelevant to the good running of Mitre House. It would now be appreciated if they would refrain from attempting to further mislead or mis-organise other Lessees and hold their peace so Management can get on and do what is expected of them... to manage Mitre House instead of wasting time dealing with their innuendos and persistent complaints. We suggest they check out for a little light relief and some legal advice.
Comments regarding Management's ability to project manage, (let alone imaginatively design), the Internals versus Wade's well known reputation, credibility etc etc as stated by some Lessees is nonsense. I personally have designed the interiors of flats, houses, exhibition stands all over the globe and even built a house, admittedly in Sri Lanka. My two co-directors are both Certified Chartered Accountants and well versed in finance.
Michele is well versed in Wade's capability as she has utilised their services even in their previous nemesis, Stopps. Management have no reservations whatsoever in using Wade as we too, believe they are excellent and if we could afford their quote for listed works, no problem. But we can't unless their works and costs on certain items more closely represent what we can afford within a £25,000 inc. vat budget.
If there is a fact or reference in the above email that is incorrect I suggest you inform Management by return or seek legal advice for suitable redress.
Or make Management a very generous offer and we'll be more than pleased to sell the Head Lease and our shareholdings in Mitre House Management Limited to the highest bidder(s) allowing you to take over Mitre House and run it, decorate it, organise your own voting system and administer it..... as you wish!
Best wishes and Happy Valentine's Day - and a very quick and simple reply would be EXACTLY which of Wade's items are you wishing to use so a final 100% correct budget can be ascertained - Management's is simple: it's £25,000 inc. vat for the items Management have well listed - so do same for Wade's and it can be better evaluated.
Paul Brown-Constable / +44 207 589 7502 Mbl: +44 798 33 33 543 on behalf of three Directors of

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