P. 17
From: Subject: Date: To: Cc:
Paul Brown-Constable
Re: Mitre House new management company / response Flat 7
9 June 2019 at 21:15
Leoni-Sceti Maria
Karupiah Segar, Riad Samya, Sigg - Hillgarth Michele, Jamil Raja, Leigh-Pemberton Christopher, diego & Susanna Fortunati, Flat 1 John Kanakas
Dear Maria (and to your copied in lessees)
Thank you for your email notification, one presumes, as a Director of MHMC(2017) Ltd
Somewhat surprised that Maunder Taylor are not being retained as begs the question of what was the point of having them appointed in the first place as the attached pdf well evidences was totally unnecessary with relevant documentation and identifying very substantial costs to date, in your case alone of £9756.88?
Also somewhat surprised that the decision to fire Maunder Taylor and contract with Strangford Management Ltd was not discussed with shareholding lessee members which does not bode well for future decisions such as Major (concurrent) Internals/Externals budgets next year 2020 requiring, as it will now, additional Surveyor’s costs as Maunder Taylor had already prepared costings including vat & fees which I appreciate will not please certain parties.
Are non-Director shareholding lessee members to therefore presume we have no say in any decisions despite having paid £300 for the privilege?
I would be grateful for confirmation of receipt along with comment on future decisions, many thanks. Yours sincerely,
Paul Brown-Constable
attached pdf or you can read in flip book form: MAUNDER FIRED 6pp
Mitre House Residents' Association
Representing the Residents & Tenants of Mitre House
m. +44 (0)798 33 33 543
t. +44 (0)207 589 7502
e. w.
Correspondence Address
7 Mitre House, 124 Kings Road Chelsea, London SW3 4TP Great Britain
On 7 Jun 2019, at 14:21, Maria Leoni-Sceti <> wrote: Dear Leaseholders,
This is to inform you that as of 1st July we have appointed a new Management Company to oversee Mitre House called Strangfords. The person in charge will be Michael Paul, supported by Dean Jackson.
This has followed a thorough consultation period with a number of different