P. 18

 This has followed a thorough consultation period with a number of different applicants but Michele and I believe that Stranfords will be able to offer more frequent visits to the property, which was lacking with Maunder Taylor, in order to check that the building is kept in good condition. They are London based, manage other properties nearby, of course have all the
necessary qualifications along with very good references. They are also cheaper, charging £6,000 (inclusive of VAT) a year versus the previous £7,800.
We have all received an invoice for the service charge from 10th July -
30th Sept 2019. In order to keep everything running smoothly we ask you to pay this charge as the funds will be transferred over to the new management at the changeover date.
We are obviously very grateful to Maunder Taylor for having ensured the smooth running of Mitre House over the past two years.
There is no need to contact me for further details as Strangfords will be in touch with you all in due course, to pass on all their contact numbers, emails etc. so that they may answer any questions you might have.
Kind regards, Maria Leoni-Sceti
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