P. 364
As such we considered all accusations as ongoing as indeed you then contacted various outside agencies, including RBK&C, our Freeholders our Auditors, our Directors’ representatives and other lessees of Mitre House.
All, I might add to no avail, as all were content to accept our evidence in total support of our robust denials of the various accusations levied against MHML and its Directors most notably myself.
As regards reference to funds, it appears you are considering the Lessee Window Repair costs to have been paid to MHML (and you did accuse me of also purloining those...). I would remind you that all lessee window costs were paid direct to AR Lawrence, not MHML, from invoices raised by our Surveyor. All I did was collate the cheques received to pass over to the Surveyor to pass over to AR Lawrence - just one more job I executed to facilitate operations!
Involvement of Royal London Insurance
88In May 2016 I communicated through my solicitor with the freeholders Royal London Insurance Limited. They wrote to the directors of MHML through their solicitors (Macfarlanes) on 17 June 2016 expressing concern about the complaints that had been made and strongly recommending that MHML should appoint professional managing agents to manage the Property. They also recommended that shares in MHML should be distributed to all the leaseholders at Mitre House (this, as I understand it, being the intention orig- inally expressed in the head lease). However nothing has so far come of this correspondence.
(comment/reply) There was no reluctance whatsoever to produce the requested documents from our year ended 2014 Accounts despite the request being outside of the statutory 6 month period but our offer to do so on 1st April 2016, in our almost by return reply to your initial 13pp letter dated 23 March 2016, remained unacknowledged. Due to the multiple untruths, slurs, innuendos and accusa- tions in your 13pp 23 March letter (and repeated in subsequent correspondence despite our robust denials with proof), all of which were immediately denied and subsequently proved as untrue with supporting documentation, we withdrew our offer to comply until such time as we received confir- mation that we had adequately disproved all accusations. None was forthcoming despite multiple requests to do so. As such we considered all accusations as ongoing as indeed you then contacted various outside agencies, including RBK&C, our Freeholders our Auditors, our Directors’ represen- tatives and other lessees of Mitre House.
All, I might add to no avail, as all were content to accept our evidence in total support of our robust denials of the various accusations levied against MHML and its Directors most notably myself.
Loss of my tenant Stella
89 Unfortunately the behavior of Mr Brown-Constable has led directly to my young tenant at Flat 5 Mitre House (Maria Stella Scarpellini) moving out without renewing on 30 June 2016. On 1 July 2016 I had an e-mail from her in which she made some comments which I think are relevant to any assessment of whether Mr Brown-Constable is a suitable person to be managing the block. After thanking me for making her stay so enjoyable and telling me how much she had loved the flat, Stella wrote:
"t feel the constant bickering of Mr Constable is becoming boring and unnecessary and therefore have de- cided it would be better for me to leave ....
I also apologise for the hassle you faced after f held the small gathering a few months ago. As you are aware, my parents were visiting from Italy and joined a party of only a handful of people which I had organ- ised after an exhibition to celebrate. The party only went on until very early, 21h30, and certainly did not get out of hand.
In fact, when I bumped into Mr Constable-Brown several days later he commented on how nice it was to have young people in the building as it created a fun, fresh atmosphere. I was therefore very surprised to discover Mr Constable-Brown subsequently messaged you to complain about the noise and disturbance! I