P. 365
believe my mother emailed you following that incident to confirm that the party had been a very pleasant and considerate affair and there should not have been any reason for complaint. Additionally, it was an ab- solutely unique and one-off event. Regardless, I apologise for the inconvenience it caused you. It seems odd Mr Constable-Brown complained when he had no consideration about refurbishing his flat out of work hours (weekends, evenings, and very early morning), which was most inconvenient as f was revising for my exams.
The same applied when the building was being refurbished; a lot of work took place out of hours (weekends included) and went on forever. As my project required a lot of research I was often working from home and disturbed by the work taking place above me as well as in the flat opposite and in the common parts.
Moreover, it happened to me that I met Mr Constable-Brown in the common parts wearing solely his under- wear. As you can imagine, especially being a young girl, this made me feel extremely uncomfortable. As if this was not enough, a very strong smell of smoke - not only from cigarettes - often came to my windows in the evenings as well as from the common parts and 1 think it can only be coming from his apartment...
......... Personally I have had no real trouble with Mr Constable-Brown although I do think it's worthwhile re- minding him that wandering around the common parts in one's underwear (as I caught him doing) is inappro- priate and intimidating for a young woman or indeed anyone to witness. I am aware that his behaviour can be bullish and I wouldn't want future tenants to be deterred by the erratic and unusual attitude of one of the building's managers.
As I'm sure you understand, had I renewed my tenancy agreement I would not be writing this email as I would not want to be confronted with Mr Constable- Brown as I have experienced some of his malicious be- haviour, such as having a food delivery being returned under the pretence that I was abroad, when he was fully aware that I was not, having seen me in the hal/way! I could add more to this list but let's leave it at that"
Mr Brown-Constable wandering about Mitre House terrifying other Tenants in his underwear...
It’s actually my white boiler suit which I suppose to the uninitiated
90 Conclusion might resemble long johns!
In conclusion I feel that Mr Brown-Constable and his co-directors are not fit and suitable people to manage other people's money. Nor are they fit to run a property. Mr BrownConstable himself is outrageously abusive to the leaseholders and is in my opinion guilty of both fraud and blackmail. He is unprofessional, deceitful and untrustworthy. I have no trust or confidence in him whatsoever. Mr Brown-Constable's co-directors seem totally irresponsible. They have completely failed to exercise any control over him. They have failed to an-