P. 448
Oh dear ... meter cupboards, pigeon holes, signage..... I think you’ll find these are all listed to be done and quoted for on our Surveyor’s specifications! And both Wade & AR Lawrence costed them as indeed all other tenders? Where do you get these ideas from?
The terrazzo flooring [wish it was marble – it’s terrazzo – brushed 1930s concrete – grey cold and noisy] is again well referenced in our Surveyor’s correspondence as being done and quoted for somewhat variously in all tenders including Wade [who to be fair were going to do an amazingly expensive super-duper clean [see the s.20 Notice dated 22 June 2014].
I hired professional equipment and did it ourselves so saving a great deal and as I was well advised from many quarters, most pertinently, the maintenance crew at Peter Jones [John Lewis] who have the identical flooring on their stairs and hallway, don’t waste your money, no matter what you do, and we do everything, it’s grubby and dull within months...
And that’s from the horse’s mouth.
As regards the steaming and painting of the lift cage - you maintain I did a cheap job of painting the lift cage [and 4 exterior doors both sides and 4 grills both sides and the exterior architraves], without proper preparation, and in a colour the leaseholders had not asked for.
After now 5 years I cannot see a scratch, a mark or in fact any obvious blemishes anywhere? You only have to ask the owners of Flat 9 [the Fortunati’s] for 100% confirmation that the lift cage was steam cleaned [as were all surfaces prior to priming and spraying] as their tenants were somewhat inconvenienced at times [have you any idea how messy is steam cleaning in a confined space?].
Colour? What is the worry over the colour – you have on file an email from me referencing a visit by Mrs Hillgarth INSISTING I continue with the bronze [lift doors] down the entire lift cage from 3rd floor to ground.... With me slightly worried it might look rusty as opposed to bronze – Noooooo she said, it’ll look lovely.
Flat 9 wanted black or dark grey – Mrs Hillgarth is on record as disagreeing, a copy of which you have been supplied with as indeed the lift cage choice too.
5. The final agreed Section 20 letter dated 22 June 2014 stated that “Management are contracting with the cheapest tender, A&R Lawrence, for an estimated £105,019.38 inclusive for Internals and Externals commencing 1st September 2014”. There had been no quotation received from MHML or yourself. Nor was there any mention in the Section 20 letter of any fees that would be payable to MHML or yourself.