P. 450
claim to have done [or even all and any works not performed by AR Lawrence] wouldn’t amount to £5000 let alone £31,756.21
To further evidence her ignorance in these matters [and yours] the electrics & lighting was around £10,000....and yes includes all and any monies owed to our electricians prior to them deserting over to our contractors AR Lawrence who were so impressed with their work and offered them a good long term contract but on another project away from Mitre House.
We parted on excellent terms, all paid up, and I’ve never heard another word ...
7. You then covertly did much of the work yourself, not disclosing to the lessees that you had reduced the scope of A&R Lawrence’s brief. Unfortunately for you, you were caught red- handed, and Mrs Hillgarth wrote to you on 10 August 2014 to find out why you appeared to be doing work yourself. Why would she have asked you that if she had known and agreed that you would be carrying out “additional items”? You responded in a thoroughly disingenuous e-mail dated 11 August 2014 implying that A & R Lawrence were doing substantially all the work they had been contracted to do.
Here we go again – if as you repeatedly accuse [and don’t forget these are identical accusations made since your 23 March 2016 and all answered in the same way] that I only wrote my famous 11th and indeed 13th September 2014 emails to all lessees [if you recall, I referred to them as “game, set & match” which as a failed Oxford Blue you no doubt recall that means – game over!] because ‘I’d been caught out!”, then if that were true surely I would have received back by return [not weeks later] at least three or four emails, including from Mrs Hillgarth, demanding to know “what savings”, “we’d prefer a refund on our £2000 as opposed to spending on “unaffordable items” etc etc – for God’s sake re-visit both the 11th and 13th September 2014 emails and see if there sounds like a worry, a guilt, a problem – no, if anything I’m showing off – look what we’ve done, it’s working, you’ll love it etc etc...
Aaaaaagh ha I wondered how long it would take you to reference the audio, the agreement, the tardiness of sourcing, making it even more suspicious? Simple. In exactly the same way I request of you hard copies of references you erroneously make in your accusatory correspondence to prove the statements made [which you nefariously decline to oblige because they don’t exist], had I referenced the Board Meeting agreements to make savings to spend on unaffordable items, I can hear Mrs Hillgarth now, somewhat similar, in fact identical to President De Gaulle’s response to negotiator Ted Heath’s EU application in ’67....NON! NON! NON!
Had I then said “hold on a minute Michele, we’ve got a recording of you agreeing”. Would she have insisted on listening to it? I doubt it, she would simply have ignored it until it was forcibly played to her... true or false?