P. 451
There are too many references in various emails to “unaffordable works”, savings made [electrics being just one], what those works consist of, me doing the lift and being photographed so hardly hiding in the dead of night – although, yes, most was done at night with all windows open and me choking on spray paint fumes with a Guinness in one hand and an unlit cigarette in the other!
Ref: disingenuous e-mail dated 11 August 2014 implying that A & R Lawrence were doing substantially all the work they had been contracted to do.
They were not doing “substantially” [a word I did not use] but doing all they were contracted to do [my words exactly, but not “substantially:, which means “not all”]
Any works that I did had been cancelled from AR Lawrence as per our Surveyor’s instructions. All other works, all exterior and interior [painting] they were doing as per their revised contracted workings – and remember, they were never contracted for 85% of the ‘unaffordable” items, all of which we employed professionals, accredited electricians etc or use of my competent talents as my certificates made clear! Can you believe someone requesting your competence for painting a wall, spraying a door, screwing brackets etc
And again, Mrs Hillgarth’s observation that all the brassworks were cheap and nasty and the signage was cheap plastic – for that read polished brass and Perspex? And all of good British quality believe it or not?
8. It is relevant that in this e-mail of 11 August 2014 you said nothing about cancellation of a substantial element of the contract. Nor did you remind Mrs Hillgarth about the understanding you subsequently claimed to exist between you – namely that “additional work”, apparently insisted on by her, should be carried out by you rather than A&R Lawrence. Hadtherebeenanysuchunderstandingyoucouldandwouldhaveremindedher of it. But you didn’t because (as you very well know) there wasn’t one.
Aaaaaagh ha I wondered how long it would take you to reference the audio, the agreement, the tardiness of sourcing, making it even more suspicious?
See above para 7 – as the answer is identical.
????? But you didn’t because (as you very well know) there wasn’t one.
There wasn’t what:
An agreement? A witness to the audio? The audio? – oh yes there was or how do you explain her two initial Wade quotes in 2012 & 2013 -