P. 72
Company number: 07731341
Minutes of a meeting of the board of directors of the Company duly convened and held at 7 Mitre House, 124 Kings Road London SW3 4TP
On 23 May 2014 commencing at 12.00
Present :
Paul Brown-Constable (PBC) Michele Hillgarth (MH) Segar Karupiah (SK)
1 Chairman
SK was appointed chairman of the meeting
2 Apologies
Jamil Raja (JR) tendered his apologies and PBC mentioned that JR will be on telephone
contact if there is a need for any votes.
3 Notice and quorum
The chairman reported that due notice of the meeting had been given and that a quorum was present. Accordingly the chairman declared the meeting open.
4 Business meeting.
SK mentioned that the purpose of the meeting was as set out in the agenda of the meeting
that had been circulated to all the Directors
5 Board Minutes
SK asked that the previous board minutes be read and approved.
MH stated that the relevant notice period should have been 21 days, however SK mentioned that a Board meeting can be held at short notice provided it has good reason.
MH mentioned that MH could not recall having been notified of previous Board Meetings. PBC mentioned that PBC had notified all including MH of the previous meetings. MH requested PBC to send her confirmation of when all the directors were notified of the board meetings. PBC agreed to do from documents held at the registered office that he had requested to be emailed to him this morning.