P. 74
PBC provided the original quotations received from the recommended contractors by Boyce
Evens Carpenter & Co the company’s surveyors. Venture Construction Southern Ltd
Collins (Contractors) Ltd
A&R Lawrence & Sons Ltd
B&M Coatings Ltd Bastows Ltd
They were as follows: £116,901.18 £117,267.63 £105,019.38 £144,480.48 £160,079.72 £219,150.31
PBC mentioned that the management is obliged to take the lowest quote for the works to be carried out, ie A & R Lawrence, who had submitted the lowest quote or give good reason in an additional Section 20 why not.
MH wanted to review the quotation from A & R Lawrence with that from Wade Design and PBC obliged with both their submissions. MH wanted to know how the management obtained the list of the tendering contractors. SK and PBC mentioned that they were supplied by our Surveyor from his list of suitable contractors.
MH wanted to know who will be overseeing the works carried out by the contractors. PBC stated that they will be overseen by the Surveyors/Contractor as it is part of their cost/quote. PBC mentioned that the management had handled the procurement of the tendering process very professionally in relation with the Surveyor.
MH raised the issue that the instructions to the surveyor on his appointment were made verbally. PCB confirmed that it was so and in emails and had provided email correspondences and also a letter written by the surveyors to the company dated 13 December 2013 which had been was sent to MH twice by PBC.
PBC mentioned that some sub-contractor parts of the Wade Design quote was loaded by an average 25% to 33% as is normal and was same in other tenders most likely. As an example PBC provided a quote obtained by the management for floor cleaning by MarbleShine Ltd which was an identical supplier to Wade Design and both with identical specifications, in fact wordings, and had been recommended to MHML by Flat 8. MHML quote from MarbleShine Ltd was for £10,820 plus vat, whereas Wade’s quote was for £13,802 plus vat. PBC mentioned that this was not a criticism of Wade, as loading sub-contractor’s costs was a normal practice. PBC mentioned that savings could always be made by seeking independently sourced quotes for some of the works, especially the Internals. Most external works were regrettably outside of the scope of MHML’s ability to seek independent quotes and was best left to the surveyor’s various contractors
MH proceeded to review and compare the quotes from A&R Lawrence and Wade Design to ensure that they were both quoting for the same exact works and specifications. MH was