P. 76

SK also highlighted to MH of MHML’s legal responsibilities which is to only paint two coats of one colour throughout and make any repairs necessary.
SK also mentioned that MH cannot circulate the discussions of the meeting to other tenants as MH has done in the past. MH need to differentiate her role in MHML and that of the RTM or her close association with other lessees at Mitre House.
PBC wanted to ensure that two emails sent to MH on the 16 May and 22 May, one of which was addressed to all tenants, be read in the meeting. This requirement had been requested by JR prior to him making any firm decision to agree to anything discussed today. JR requested that he be advised of the minutes when available at which time he will make clear his agreement or not to the items discussed.
SK & PBC mentioned to MH that MHML are appointing new Solicitors to represent MHML in all legal matters due to RTM affair, as Rose & Rose (Quality Solicitors) advised they could no longer represent MHML. All four Directors have to supply requisite ID documentation.
9 It was resolved but a final vote is still to be assessed:
1 A & R Lawrence will be awarded the works to be carried out re the internal and
external refurbishment, to commence 1 September 14
2 Lessees will be required to make additional contributions of between £1000 -£2000 each split over the quarters June 25 and September 25, 2014.
3 MH to write to all tenants that the Board of MHML has carried a proper and professional review of the tendering process and MHML will formally write to all tenants announcing the contractor (A& R Lawrence) to carry out the works.
10 Adjournment
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 18.45.
Signed: .........................................................................................Dated:

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