P. 87

we recommend testing those on the walls before making a final decision. We also suggested to discuss that with A&R Lawrence who can suggest similar options which perhaps look better. We have asked their contact details a while ago and we're happy to get in touch with them to discuss this matter and agree on the colour testing and final selection like in any refurbishment.
Best regards Diego
From: Mitre House Management Ltd []
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 05:54 PM
To: Sigg - Hillgarth Michele <>; <>; Karupiah Segar <>; Leoni-Sceti Maria <>; Samya Riad <>; Jamil Raja <>; Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers <>; Leigh-Pemberton Christopher <>; Fortunati, Diego - GCIB LDN
Subject: Re: Mitre House Electrical Works etc
Michele -
Many thanks for email and hope the hols go well - all you're missing here is some very bizarre weather - heavy storms and hailstorms yesterday...
Yes, small problem with the electrics - a visual report in pixs below - the full report is too large to pdf I'm afraid. Anyway all in hand, and due to the very wet weather since Christmas etc - a conduit from Bunny's cabin to basement needed replacing, that's all - but a bit of an emergency obviously as we can't risk having the electrics pack up during the main works only 2 weeks away.
My Flat is being done by Benitor and A&R Lawrence - after hours and at week-ends.
I think your neighbours will attest to my comments about leaving a mess and sanding your wooden floors all night - even the bloke I told to desist will confirm..... and the two Indian fellahs doing your removals will confirm leaving fire extinguishers holding doors open etc
Why do you copy everything to everyone? Now I have to - boring! (but due to below, it's OK)
Anyway, to cheer you up, here attached are the agreed decor lights and colour schemes courtesy of Flat 9.
One final question, as you know we have already purchased the lights (and the paints) but would ask which is preferred outside the lift and outside people's door - at present the photos show the very big BURLAP outside the lift and the very small American Diner outside tenants doors.
Do please advise by return as they go up tomorrow, at present as in the positions on attached photo.
Best wishes and as I said, copying to this all for comment.

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